Jacob Rockstar-RN Psych Nurse Action Figure

Specialties Psychiatric

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Psych nurse action figure ?

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

I just asked Santa for Two Things and he would only give me one!


Which one did you get?

I figured you would just get a lump of coal.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
Which one did you get?

I figured you would just get a lump of coal.

I would vote for the haldol/ativan option as long as the standing order is for patients and ​their family members!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
I would vote for the haldol/ativan option as long as the standing order is for patients and ​their family members!

Of course, patient advocacy extents to the family so I would go with the standing orders. And an IM injection wouldn't necessarily be considered "invasive." "I held it in my mouth but didn't inhale." Know what I'm sayin?

Of course, patient advocacy extents to the family so I would go with the standing orders. And an IM injection wouldn't necessarily be considered "invasive." "I held it in my mouth but didn't inhale." Know what I'm sayin?


Not at all.

Care to elaborate?

JRRNPNAF...January is Codependence Awareness Month.

Please like this post or I'll cry and stress!

Codependency Relationships - Codependent

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Not at all.

Care to elaborate?

Elaborate about what?

Elaborate about what?


Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Bill Clinton said he smoked marijuana but didn't inhale. Oh, and what's your definition of having sex? I think he asked that too. But that might be straying from the topic.

Bill Clinton said he smoked marijuana but didn't inhale. Oh, and what's your definition of having sex? I think he asked that too. But that might be straying from the topic.

MY definition?

Do you need The Talk, OldDude?

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
MY definition?

Do you need The Talk, OldDude?

Maybe, it is a new year, after all

Maybe, it is a new year, after all

New year, new Talk?

I'll listen to the 8th graders and get back to you.

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