J Sargeant Reynolds Fall 2014

U.S.A. Virginia


If this has already been posted somewhere, please direct me (I couldn't find anything)

Any one else here applying for fall? If so, I'd like to see how we stack up. Two months of waiting is going to drive me crazy!

My overall GPA is 3.5, the GPA of my pre-nursing requisites is 3.8, and my kaplans are:

95 reading

96 math

81 writing

55 science

admission score 81.9 points

Overall- 84% :/

Math: 93%

Reading: 91%

Science: 75%

Writing: 71%

Where do ya'll live? I'm in Midlothian.

I live on the west end, right near henrico doctors hospital. The parham campus of reynolds is only a ten minute drive. Downtown is only a smidge further.

Tomorrow makes four weeks from the application deadline!

Just a couple more weeks!!

Mayss - an 84 is a great score! I was told everyone above 69 made it last pool. *Fingers crossed because I'm only at 81*

RJ, I hope your intel is accurate... I thought 69 was the minimum to be considered, but everyone keeps saying it's competitive, so I worry that there are 60 or 70 folks in the 90's range who will get in.

Still- nervous lol. I feel like there are a lot of qualified applicants.

I'm "Sara No H" on facebook if yall want to add.

Zack - I completely understand, it does seem like there a lot of people in the mid 80s and above! However, this could be due to confirmation bias. We doubt our scores naturally, so when someone is above we allow that to 'confirm' in a sorts that ours is lower than what it needs to be. I have talked to maybe 10 applicants, and 6 of them have been higher than myself, with the others lower.

Mrs. Edwards, the director of applications for the RN program, said the cutoff, meaning anyone below this number didn't make it into the program last semester, was 69. I triple verified because that number seems ridiculously low. Right then, in front of her, I asked her to make that clear... Also, after further research, anything above 70 is competitive, above 80 is solid, above 90 is golden.

Honestly, everyone here cares about getting in, and you can see the anxiety in our posts. I don't see 70 (the number of available seats) people posting in here! If you assume only 10% know about this site, that still puts us in the clear!

Less than two weeks!

That's an excellent point, my friend - if we had more people posting here, we'd get a better idea, but there's no way to know how many people applied or how well anyone did aside from those of us who have posted here. Of course, this waiting game is driving us all crazy! At least we're all in the solid range, and that makes me feel a little better.

Nearing the end of June now... We're in that 4-6 week range they promised!

I'm glad you heard 4-6 weeks, because I was told 'hopefully 6 weeks' and they're going to 'try hard to have them out by 6 weeks'.

Lol theres so many ways to take this info.

Does anyone know any current students? This waiting period stinks! Either way, I just want to know. Obviously theres an answer Id prefer, Lol

Lol mayss I hear ya!

I only know one student, but I've talked to several face to face. It definitely seems to be very competitive...

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