Published Aug 26, 2008
58 Posts
I took the NCLEX several times, but after 2 or more days of my exam i noticed i received the invitation to take their review class, it's kinda depressing coz i know i failed and really am the time i received the result. This review class (i guess) knows already your result 2 days or less before it posted, if you fail then that's the time they gonna send you an invitation. does it happened to you guys? My point is, is there a law to stop these review class from sending us an invitation after we took the exam, b/c that will make us paranoid and stop hoping that we passed before we received the final result (envelope). What do you think? Keep posted if you experienced the same way....
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
It is just junk mail, wait until you get your results. BON/BRN passes your name or should I say sells your name on
132 Posts
BON/BRN passes your name or should I say sells your name on
Do they actually sell your info to these review classes?
If these are true, does the BON realized the negative effect of these to those who took the exam? I'm pretty sure i'm not alone with this, i have lots of friends and classsmates of the review experienced the same way. My suggestion is, why not pass/sell our name to these review classes 14 days or 21 days after we received the result.:argue:
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Send a complaint to your BON that you are unhappy with this. If enough do it, then they may consider stopping this practice.
You can also complain to the Attorney General in your state about the actual sleazy programs that are sending you this junk mail before you have your results.