It feels so official now!


I got a letter from my school inviting me to a mandatory registration day. :) I get to register for my nursing classes, fill out a bunch of forms, meet my classmates and get fitted for my uniforms!:balloons:

I'm SO excited!

:smiley_aa Let the party begin!!

Isn't it exciting?! I just finished week 5 of classes!! It flew by. I start my clinicals on Thursday (which happens to be my 10th wedding anniversary) and I am scared out of my mind! its been eons since I've given direct patient care (bed baths, transfering etc). I guess its like riding a bike, you never forget how once you learn and master it.

:welcome: to the wild and sometimes scarey world of nursing school. We can do this!!

Specializes in A variety.

That is VERY exciting! I am trying to figure out if I can manage making it to orientation because I really want to take part in meeting all the students I will be spending A LOT of time with for the next two years! :) I'm excited for you!! :)

:balloons: yay!!! i got my acceptance letter on friday, and it said that we will not get anything about orientation until the end of may. i was so impatient waiting on the acceptance letter, now i can't wait to get the orientation info!!! oh well, i guess life is all about waiting!! good luck!;)

I found out we get to wear whatever uniform we choose as long as it's a white top, white pants, white shoes and a white, knee length lab coat...the faculty just has to look it over to make sure it fits properly, etc. We buy a patch from the bookstore and have it sewn on our sleeve.

I'm not crazy about all-white, but I look at it this could be worse!

PS: They want us to wear WHITE undies, but forget it...that is why God made flesh tones. White undies show through clothes and flesh colored underwear doesn't.

I got a letter from my school inviting me to a mandatory registration day. :) I get to register for my nursing classes, fill out a bunch of forms, meet my classmates and get fitted for my uniforms!:balloons:

I'm SO excited!

That is sooo cool, when does school officially start for you?

i know that our uniforms are all white, but we aren't allowed to wear scrub tops. i think we have some weird kind of tops!! anywhoo.....i guess it could be worse, i could've gotten a rejection letter!! i will wear whatever they want me to!!

i'm so excited for you, too!!!!!!! i have to wait until may 18th for orientation. that's when i'll find out what kind of uniforms/scrubs

that i'll be wearing. i just had my physical & shots today. this

whole process is exciting.

Starbaby, My orientation is on May 16! :)

too cool!!! we will have to compare notes, hehe in about 5 weeks.

I am waiting for my orientation letter. It should be sent out some time in May and we start in June. Luckily the uniforms will be scrubs, so I will be making another trip to Dallas. :monkeydance:

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