Published Jul 18, 2007
Etana85, LPN, LVN
55 Posts
Hello everyone out there in nursing land,
I am having a bit of dilemma here. I am a 22 year old mom of one (my three year old daughter).I signed up for the Lincoln Technical Institute LPN program for this upcoming september session (WHICH COSTS $30,000). I have already completed all of my neccessary pre-reqs for the nursing program at goodwin college but was unable to get in due to the high volume of student and then the fact that it is very competitive. I cant even think about Capital at this time because their waiting list is like 3 years long. I do want to eventually become a registered nurse. I just wanted to know if i can get some advice on wether it would be a good idea to go ahead and do the LPN Program at lincoln tech anyway seeing that i already have pre-reqs credit for the nursing program.
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
75 Posts
Please, please rethink this decision very closely. It is outrageous how these private tech schools rip innocent people off every yr. Absolutely, Lincoln Tech is a huge ripoff. You will doing yourself a very big disservice if you do go thru w/enrollment there. Look at the post I wrote in the Stone Academy thread & you'll read more of why these schools are just here to rip people off bigtime. St. Vincent's College in Bridgeport even at the highest w/some pre-req's completed costs around $23K currently and that is for an all part-time program which helps out those who have children like yourself hugely. And you'll receive an ADN when all is said & done certainly not what you'll receive at any of the private tech schools. I would also recommend applying at one of the state tech schools for their LPN program because there you will spend $6K and you'll be saving an exorbitant amt of $$ that you can put towards your RN degree if that is the path you'd rather take. Yes, I'm sure there would not be any opening until Fall 08' for the state tech schools but so what a year's wait is nothing believe me. And, you are so very young so you certainly have a lot of time on your side which is great. The worst thing is you might have to work for the yr. inbetween but that's ok. I'd be more than willing to talk to you more if you PM me. I am here to help you in any way I can!
70 Posts
I completely agree with Sue. I am currently enrolled in the state LPN program at Bullard Havens and I too almost enrolled at Lincoln Tech. At the time, I thought it was a good idea, no waiting lists, etc, but after talking to several people, I just couldn't bring myself to pay $30,000 for my LPN when the RN program costs less. There is a catch with Lincoln Tech, you don't get approved for the total amount of tuition so you will have to pay them monthly to cover the difference. It's really not worth it. Since you already have your pre-reqs, apply at St Vincent's college, Bridgeport Hospital school of nursing, or Norwalk Community college, they all have RN programs. Good luck in whatever decision you make.:wink2:
PS. I am also a mom of a six year old girl, school can be stressful at times but you just have to work out a schedule that works best for you.
32 Posts
I am graduating today from Lincoln Tech, New Britain LPN program and there were many bumps along the way. Only 15 of the original 60 students made it.
If you are extremely dedicated, and are prepared to sacrifice two years of your life (no partying, no vacation, study, study, study) you will make it through the program. You will not get sympathy or any extra consideration from instructors for being a mom; or for health issues, which cause missed classes, etc.
Keep in mind that you are only allowed a certain number hours, NOT DAYS that you can be absent per MOD (semester). For us I think you could only miss about 9 hours 1st mod, which means if you miss two whole class are out of the program.
I dont want to discourage anyone but it is a hard and expensive program. I too was in a similar situation where I had all my pre reqs for a BSN/RN but could not get into a RN program. I chose the LPN route 1st so I can get some experience as a nurse, then maybe I can finish pursuing my BSN.
If you have a good support system, babysitters, and family to help you out you can make it through the program. GOOD luck
AnnieOaklyRN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
2,597 Posts
I agree with the others especially since I only payed about 13,000 for my RN degree!!!!
Just patiently wait to get in, or you could look at other LPN programs at vocational schools or at community colleges, but PLEASE don't pay that much money for an LPN program, you could probably get your BSN for that much at a state university!
MrChicagoRN, RN
2,610 Posts
$30,000 for the LPN program?
I'm in a Masters in Management program at a private University and THAT is Only about $30K.
Doesn't seem like a good value to me. Hope you find some better choices.
20 Posts
Hello everyone out there in nursing land,I am having a bit of dilemma here. I am a 22 year old mom of one (my three year old daughter).I signed up for the Lincoln Technical Institute LPN program for this upcoming september session (WHICH COSTS $30,000). I have already completed all of my neccessary pre-reqs for the nursing program at goodwin college but was unable to get in due to the high volume of student and then the fact that it is very competitive. I cant even think about Capital at this time because their waiting list is like 3 years long. I do want to eventually become a registered nurse. I just wanted to know if i can get some advice on wether it would be a good idea to go ahead and do the LPN Program at lincoln tech anyway seeing that i already have pre-reqs credit for the nursing program.IS IT WORTH IT??PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you should reconsider enrolling. I was in the program when it was New England Tech. It costed about 16,000 which included all materials. The program was only 1 yr at the time (still expensive but much shorter). Although they make sure you are ready to be an LPN and the NCLEX pass rate was 100% at the time and they guaranteed you'd pass, it was still expensive. There are other programs that don't cost as much. I wound up there because I had a cousin who had just graduated and I could get in for the very next class. Had I done my homework I might have gone elsewhere and saved some money. All that to also say that I passed my boards with the minimum 85 questions and had a job waiting for me when I was ready. I don't know if they still do it but at the time they helped with resume writing and job placement. They also did 2 career fairs for the students. I can't complain about my education because I accomplished what I went for. But for 30,000 you could go to Gateway for 4 years with change to spare. good luck whatever you choose
7 Posts
see the thing is yeah its not perfect but there is actually something there....I currently attend this and i have already responded to her before but let me elaborate this time....Personally I am doing excellent...but lets look at the other end of the spectrum...out of 52 people in MOD 2 there are currently about 10 to 15 people failing fundamentals and concepts of that just ONE course out of yeah only 2 but i would say there are another 10 in the other course that are failing(dont qoute those numbers....but its all based on you mentality going into the whole start with the bullshit and thats exactly what you are going to get out of it "NOTHING". You come in telling yourself that you can do it and that no matter what happens you will succeed you should be fine...Its hard stuff but if you apply yourself then it will show...As far as the money goes well there is a lot i have heard about other schools...first being that you have to wait quite a while..second thing i heard is that Lincoln is much more intense versus any other school in the state...Yeah they say 100% board pass rate but that doesnt tell you how many retards they weeded out in the 15 months prior to that...but thats with any nursing program..Start out BIG end up SMALL...its inevidible not everyone is made to be a nurse...and that could be myself as well cause **** theres another 11 months to go...
dont get me wrong i am not standing up for the school and the bullshit that comes with it cause there is a lot...but if you dont want to wait 3 years to get into a RN program and are willing to cough up 30K then do it............
kukukajoo, LPN
1,310 Posts
You could come to New Hampshire and get your LPN at NHCTC-Laconia for less than 5 grand! AND that includes books and the boards! I think Gateway is a little cheaper in New Haven and North haven.
30 grand??? That is a total ripoff for an LPN and if I unserstand, most classes don't transfer in if you continue your education.
Have you looked at Gateway Community College? I know there is a waitlist, but you can take pre-reqs and other classes needed and only have the core nursing classes left once you enter the program. I did this at a local community college and it was awesome.
As a single mom you should get more aid than needed at a CC as well as end up debt free when you graduate. Tons of scholarships and tuition payment programs.
If you really want to work while attending, you can get your LNA for experience in the atmosphere.
Please, please reconsider and really read the warnings that the other posters have listed. Is it worth it when you only have a 25% chance of graduating and also even if you dont make it you still have the debt!
Also, call around to places that hire LPNs and ask what they think of LT's grads.
I KNOW there are other options down there.
Take care and best wishes.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I wouldn't do it for LPN program. I owe 30k in student loans to Goodwin-but thankfully found a job that offers tuition reeimbursemnt.
I say apply everywhere that offers and RN program.
Good luck!
You could get into Yale, Quinnipiac or Albertus Magnus (no nsg program) for less than that a year guaranteed. I know their tuition base may be higher, but you will qualify for TONS of scholarships and grants at all three of them. They are all very respected schools and with that education you would be able to go anywhere and work.