Is it me or ....


I am so lazy! I can't get myself to pick up a book and study! When I finally do the next 2 - 3 days I look for excuses not to pick it up :uhoh3: . I have done evrything even a daily journal just to see if I can keep my schedule but I start watching tv or doing something else. I keep on thinking about the exam but I just can't seem to do the work! Maybe I should just drop everything to study just like I did in nursing school! :rolleyes:

I need help! Is it just me or is anyone else going through this? Please tell me I'm not alone!

Force yourself. I did the same thing for every test or exam I had. Not the NCLEX yet. Its called procrastination my friend.

Now....get to work !!!!!!! :p

Seriously. !


Specializes in ACNP-BC.

Yep, I'm going through the same thing. I have been studying all semester for NCLEX (here and there) and ever since I graduated 4 weeks ago...and now i'm so sick of it already (have 2.5 weeks left to take it)that I find myself spending time on the internet (like I am now!) ALL THE TIME! Or else I waste a lot of time complaining to anyone who will listen how sick and tired I am of going over Q & A, and why can't I just take it sooner (cuz testing centers here are booked through June!)? Augh! So don't feel alone! Hey-maybe we can all make a pact to study every day for a certain 2 hour time block or something and stick to it. I think I need some motivation now! :)


[Ok guys, I am with all of you, I can't get focus enought, alwaysinternet, or excuses to do something else, i am from my exam at 6 weeks, but with my full time job as a pCT not that much.

I will appreciate if someone can, share with me the table to study, gonna be great we can make like a classroom while all we know taking some. questions at the same time.

Maybe we need support, that's all what i think i need people asking me what i have done for today, but unfortunately when you don't have classmates doesn't work in that way, the real life as a worker if different.

Please include myself in this list, need to get focus this exam is the change in our life, more time more financial breath plus, we need to get ready guys.

Keep in touch.

Ulices from Brooklyn.

I am so lazy! I can't get myself to pick up a book and study! When I finally do the next 2 - 3 days I look for excuses not to pick it up :uhoh3: . I have done evrything even a daily journal just to see if I can keep my schedule but I start watching tv or doing something else. I keep on thinking about the exam but I just can't seem to do the work! Maybe I should just drop everything to study just like I did in nursing school! :rolleyes:

I need help! Is it just me or is anyone else going through this? Please tell me I'm not alone!

You are not alone. I know what you mean. I hit rock bottom for studying today and just laid on the couch and watched TV. I think I needed the break - I've been studying since I finished school, sometimes up to 8 hours a day (with breaks, of course!) What I did when I finished school was get a great big calendar and scheduled blocks of study time and what I was going to work on that day. That way, it lets me see at a glance that I did cover certain material so I don't start freaking out a week before the test and worrying if I studied this enough, or that enough. Then, a week before I have the test scheduled, I have ample 'review' time for everything that I wasn't clear on the first go round, or concepts that I didn't do so well on in school. I test on 7/5. There are days that I don't want to study, but then I count out how many days left until I take the NCLEX and then that kind of kick starts me to get on it. Also, I think it's extremely important to reward yourself in some small way for getting the studying done that you have already done. Get a pedicure, watch a movie, etc. My dear honey bunny is taking me on a quick jaunt to Hawaii this week, and I do plan on bringing some notes and flashcard nclex questions that I have and reading them on the beach or at the poolside - granted, I'll be having a mai tai too, but what better way to study, eh? :beer:

I've also found that it helps if you have a certain goal in mind, like 100-200 questions a day and breaking them up all throughout the day, or changing it up everyday. Some days, I'll do 50 first thing in the morning and then go work out, come home and eat lunch and then do another 50 and then break for awhile, etc. Somedays I will just try to do all the questions in the morning, so that way I know I got my studying done for that day. I think it helps me to change up the routine so I am not constantly completely bored.

And my last trick - I basically scare myself into studying. If I don't pass the boards on the first try, my job goes away, therefore how am I going to pay rent, how am I going to pay the bills, will I be able to eat, can I afford dog food for my pooch, etc. :chuckle If anything else, that gets me to hit the books or question cds.

ooops - this went through twice. Delete. :)

Specializes in ACNP-BC.
[Ok guys, I am with all of you, I can't get focus enought, alwaysinternet, or excuses to do something else, i am from my exam at 6 weeks, but with my full time job as a pCT not that much.

I will appreciate if someone can, share with me the table to study, gonna be great we can make like a classroom while all we know taking some. questions at the same time.

Maybe we need support, that's all what i think i need people asking me what i have done for today, but unfortunately when you don't have classmates doesn't work in that way, the real life as a worker if different.

Please include myself in this list, need to get focus this exam is the change in our life, more time more financial breath plus, we need to get ready guys.

Keep in touch.

Ulices from Brooklyn.

hello! okay, how about whoever wants/needs more motivation to study, let's say we'll all study for NCLEX from noon-2 PM every day. (note: you don't have to do this if you dont want to or are busy-this is only for those, like me, who need more motivation at this point! :)

Specializes in ACNP-BC.
You are not alone. I know what you mean. I hit rock bottom for studying today and just laid on the couch and watched TV. I think I needed the break - I've been studying since I finished school, sometimes up to 8 hours a day (with breaks, of course!) What I did when I finished school was get a great big calendar and scheduled blocks of study time and what I was going to work on that day. That way, it lets me see at a glance that I did cover certain material so I don't start freaking out a week before the test and worrying if I studied this enough, or that enough. Then, a week before I have the test scheduled, I have ample 'review' time for everything that I wasn't clear on the first go round, or concepts that I didn't do so well on in school. I test on 7/5. There are days that I don't want to study, but then I count out how many days left until I take the NCLEX and then that kind of kick starts me to get on it. Also, I think it's extremely important to reward yourself in some small way for getting the studying done that you have already done. Get a pedicure, watch a movie, etc. My dear honey bunny is taking me on a quick jaunt to Hawaii this week, and I do plan on bringing some notes and flashcard nclex questions that I have and reading them on the beach or at the poolside - granted, I'll be having a mai tai too, but what better way to study, eh? :beer:

I've also found that it helps if you have a certain goal in mind, like 100-200 questions a day and breaking them up all throughout the day, or changing it up everyday. Some days, I'll do 50 first thing in the morning and then go work out, come home and eat lunch and then do another 50 and then break for awhile, etc. Somedays I will just try to do all the questions in the morning, so that way I know I got my studying done for that day. I think it helps me to change up the routine so I am not constantly completely bored.

And my last trick - I basically scare myself into studying. If I don't pass the boards on the first try, my job goes away, therefore how am I going to pay rent, how am I going to pay the bills, will I be able to eat, can I afford dog food for my pooch, etc. :chuckle If anything else, that gets me to hit the books or question cds.

Good advice! :) I am soooo jealous you are going to Hawaii!!!! How awesome! My husband and I both are dying to go there some day....maybe once I pass NCLEX and become a rich RN we can afford it! lol


I am so lazy! I can't get myself to pick up a book and study! When I finally do the next 2 - 3 days I look for excuses not to pick it up :uhoh3: . I have done evrything even a daily journal just to see if I can keep my schedule but I start watching tv or doing something else.

This made me laugh! I thought this person must be the "double" they say everyone has somewhere in the world!! Your day describes mine! Okay, now that I know I am not alone, let's all band together! We can do this the first time! So let's turn off the TV and get going! (Well, we can still record the important shows!)

Good Luck! I am going to start by actually writing my schedule...for tomorrow!

Well I finally picked my kaplan book and went online as well. Could you believe my son had to tell me needs to go to bed in order for me to shut the book. Geez! If I didn't graduate and have proof of it I would've sworn I never went to school!

Well gals let's do it. Tomorrow we will study again. I'm starting around 12:00PM just like Christvs suggested!

Well I'm going to watch a movie (reward for studying)! lol :rotfl:

Specializes in ACNP-BC.

Hi nursing 101! I'm glad you'll be studying at noon too-that will keep my nose in the books-or CD-rom knowing someone else is torturing their brain too at the same time! Heh-heh! :) Which review books do you use? I'm doing mostly Mosby and Saunders now-with some lippincott. When do you take NCLEX? I'm taking it on July 1. Happy studying!


Well I finally picked my kaplan book and went online as well. ...

Good luck with Kaplan. I am at my desk now getting into the study mode (trying) myself until 10:30.

My plan is to continue reading the Kaplan book as a review and then go to the CD. Tonight is my Kaplan class so I know we will be doing 50-75 questions.

My target is to do 100-150 on my own everyday, but haven't made it yet.

Do you have your date to test yet? I am still waiting for my letter to test. :uhoh21:

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