Is swearing normal??


Ive been in the hospital about 7 times in my adult life and always try to be a gracious patient.I always say thank-you ,dont make a fuss if a nurse has to poke me a dozen times to get an IV inserted(my veins are small and this always happens)try not to call unless necessary,ect.So I was SHOCKED:uhoh3: when my daughters,husband,ect told me that when im first coming out of anestesia(sp?) that I have been known to be very different.According to them im grouchy and even swear.I honestly dont remember this at all,and all my nurses seem to like me alright.I feel really bad about this.:o Do other patients do this when waking up??

I've never worked in surgery, but I do recall some interesting events with people waking up when I was doing clinical rotations.

We had this one young man to wake up and he looked to be pretty groggy from the medicine still. He must've thought he was out drinking with his buddies. I remember him talking about all the hotties. He kept whispering to the doctor about the hotties and how they had to hurry up so they could get back to this local bar before the hotties got away. Everything he said had something to do with that club and he just whispered it and smiled like he were talking to his best friends. It was a hoot.

I can remember a pt we gave versed to as a pretreatment prior to cardioversion for v-tach. He was awake- barley but when we hit him with the energy is comment was 'you mother f***ers'. WHen he was awake he recalled nothing but thanked us as he felt a whole lot better.

Well I don't feel quite so bad then.

I've had to have Versed beaucoup times.

Apparently I ramble on, sharing some very *intimate* details.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
Well I don't feel quite so bad then.

I've had to have Versed beaucoup times.

Apparently I ramble on, sharing some very *intimate* details.

Oh, I'm soooooo glad that I'm not the only one Versed seems to have this effect on :imbar I say stuff I never even THINK of under normal circumstances.........About four years ago, I had a laser lithotripsy for kidney stones (now THAT is an experience in pain that Saddam Hussein never could have duplicated). My nurse gave me Versed in the pre-op holding area and told me to let her know when I started to feel it. Well, she'd pushed only about half the syringe in when I sat up and said "HELLLLLLO!" It was the best "stoned" I'd ever been in my life, but unfortunately it caused a torrent of verbal incontinence that still makes me blush to remember it.

The last thing I remember before the general anesthetic took effect was getting onto the operating table. The entire OR staff broke up, and what seemed like an instant later I woke up in recovery with an awful memory of

saying "Hey guys, are we doing some kind of new kinky sexual experiment or what?" :imbar :imbar :imbar

Two years later, when I had another procedure done, I noticed that they didn't give me as much Versed....... :chuckle

Once after surgery to my knee, I was told I was babbling about how hot my surgeon his presence of course. :imbar

Have you ever noticed that Stroke patients may not be able to talk but often can swear. This was explained to my by a neurologist, that foul language is usually not learned until later in life and thus is stored in a different part of the brain. That is why cussing is comon after stroke or sediation, it comes from a different memory area.

these posts are so funny! ive never seen patients cuss under anesthetics....

My niece is a real hoot when she gets surgery.Last time she was in the hospital she kept singing "oh susanna" and getting mad because the Dr.s and nurses wouldnt join in.She also kept telling us she had millions of dollars hid away and what she was going to buy us with it.

My father, who is normally a quiet guy, turns into a real comic when he is coming out of anesthesia. He was throwing one-liners right and left! No cursing but I thought he was trying out for comedy central!!

Yeah it's normal.

I have a theory, The nicer the person the more they swear under the influence of drugs. It's like all the repressed anxiety and swear words just come bubbling out. The more times you have repressed the urge to let out a good dirty word the more they come flying out when your judgment is impaired.

Once I picked up a young nun (back when I was working on the ambulance). She was all dressed up with the hat and all. She had a head injury and she said all sorts of things that a nun shouldn't. Not just swear words but some racy stuff too. T'was a rather distressing ride to the ER for the young EMT I was at the time.

Oh, I'm soooooo glad that I'm not the only one Versed seems to have this effect on :imbar I say stuff I never even THINK of under normal circumstances.........About four years ago, I had a laser lithotripsy for kidney stones (now THAT is an experience in pain that Saddam Hussein never could have duplicated). My nurse gave me Versed in the pre-op holding area and told me to let her know when I started to feel it. Well, she'd pushed only about half the syringe in when I sat up and said "HELLLLLLO!" It was the best "stoned" I'd ever been in my life, but unfortunately it caused a torrent of verbal incontinence that still makes me blush to remember it.

The last thing I remember before the general anesthetic took effect was getting onto the operating table. The entire OR staff broke up, and what seemed like an instant later I woke up in recovery with an awful memory of

saying "Hey guys, are we doing some kind of new kinky sexual experiment or what?" :imbar :imbar :imbar

Two years later, when I had another procedure done, I noticed that they didn't give me as much Versed....... :chuckle

LMAO!!! :rotfl: Thanks for sharing such a great story....

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