Is it possible to just get it???


Specializes in Medical Surgical/Addiction/Mental Health.

This is my first semester of nursing school. I am currently in Fundamentals and find that most of it is common sense. I really don't know how to explain it, but when my professors lecture, it just makes sense. So far, I have a 94% class average. My professors will, during lecture, indicate material that is most important. In other words, they do a good job of letting the class know the material we will be tested over. I know and expect that it will become more difficult as I get further into clincials and school, but has anyone ever felt this way in school? Do you feel so comfortable with the material and you just "get it". I do spend time outside of class going over notes and making additional comments, so I am not one of those students who are able to do well on the test without studying. I think I do well because I am so engrossed with the material. Is this normal? I have never had any subject matter that has come so easily for me, not even Business which is what my first undergraduate degree is in.

Specializes in 2 years as CNA.

Not there yet myself but I think it is perfectly normal.

I am one of those very weird people who study ahead and someone on one of the posts listed a website to go to where you can take NCLEX practice tests from a Nursing Fundamentals book. Just for kicks I have been taking the tests. I don't have a Fundamentals book, so I haven't even read anything or had lecture but I have been passing the tests. To me it has all been kinda common sense stuff or was easy to make an educated guess.

Now trust me, I am in no way confident about NS at all and I worry that I won't be ready or able to keep up with the schedule and all the reading. But at the same time I am not AS scared as I was at first. I am so glad that I looked ahead because I have already learned alot. The tests give explanations for the answers and I from what I have missed I have already learned alot.

I know, I know I am freak and should just wait until I get there. But I am someone who likes to be prepared. I did the same thing with A&P and I think that is one reason that I haven't had to study as hard while I am taking the class.

Sorry to just ramble on. But I definitely understand what you are saying. You hear so much about how hard NS is and yes it I believe it will be very time consuming, but for some it isn't as difficult as made out to be. I don't think that should diminish the fact that it is difficult for some. It is hard to be proud of yourself while also not offending others or bragging. I say be proud and be happy that you do "get it".

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma.

I graduated May of 2007. I had this very same discussion with a nursing student friend of mine our first semester. It's not like I was in a medical field before I went to nursing school, I was a single mom and a bartender, but I 'just got it' I did learn however to keep this to yourself as it really frustrates your peers who don't get it. Good luck to you and keep it up.

Specializes in 2 years as CNA.
I graduated May of 2007. I had this very same discussion with a nursing student friend of mine our first semester. It's not like I was in a medical field before I went to nursing school, I was a single mom and a bartender, but I 'just got it' I did learn however to keep this to yourself as it really frustrates your peers who don't get it. Good luck to you and keep it up.

I agree with you on keeping this to yourself. I have even found you might get flamed on here for voicing this here too! But of course you will find tons of support as well. I just don't think this is talked about much and those who do find it easy should speak up at least on these boards so that some understand it isn't all bad for everyone!

Fundamentals was pretty easy, it just gets more intense from that point :). Once you get into the med-surge material and critical thinking you may find nursing school more of a challenge.

It's good that you get it, but it irks me when people say nursing knowledge "is just common sense."

You are just starting out. Things will get more complicated as you go further in your studies, and even more so when you are a nurse.

Sometimes, the thing to do in certain situations is the opposite of what common sense would tell you.

I'm glad that you are doing well in your program.

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma.
It's good that you get it, but it irks me when people say nursing knowledge "is just common sense."

You are just starting out. Things will get more complicated as you go further in your studies, and even more so when you are a nurse.

Sometimes, the thing to do in certain situations is the opposite of what common sense would tell you.

I'm glad that you are doing well in your program.

I am still going to say, as I have since day one in 2005, Nursing is more common sense than anything. I know Ill catch heck for that statement but it's true. One thing my profs always told me is go with your first answer on a test and it's true because more likely than not, that is the common sense answer. And yes, some of it does get harder, but if you start off "getting it" than chances are that's how it's going to stay. I'm not saying I know everything, b/c gawd knows I don't, I'm simply saying I, like the poster, get it and that makes it easier. Not saying that we are "above" anyone. Just that there are certain people where nursing school and the practice itself is not as hard and stressful as the majority make it out to be. Now I will sit back and wait to be told off.

Finnaly!! I am glad you posted this. I was starting to feel a bit like a freak. I have done extremely well in my class after being terrified before classes started -i was told that Nursing 101 is nearly impossible if you have a full time job. Now that I am having a good time with it of course- the nurses say: "oh, that one is okay, but wait until Med-Surg! So, I am now taking class advice with a grain of salt- and as Dory says, "Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming."


We need a support thread for those who did well!!!!

I worked full-time, I have three young kids, got a full scholarship, and took an entire day at the library to review for NCLEX!

No apologies here.

I find that it comes easier to me than to some of my fellow classmates. Classmates are frequently coming to me for help and i'm glad to help them if I can.

All I can say is dont get over confident or it will bite you in the butt! lol

Specializes in Almost everywhere.

You are pretty early in the game. I am glad that you are doing well. It is amazing what a little studying can do. Figuring out what studying habit works best for you is part of the key. Will it always work? Hope so, but then may come the times where you have to re-evaluate and change to meet the challenges you face.

I went back to school with many, many years of nursing experience under my belt. You would think I would have found it easy or common sense, but I will tell you there is always that curve out there. You will find out what your strengths and weakness are. No one can possibly know it all. Real life nursing will throw you curves that are way beyond textbook. Just be prepared. Good luck to you.

I've been thinking the same thing! I do the readings, pay attention in class but I only do a quick review the night before for my exams. I keep it under my hat because I don't want people to hate me, BUT I also help my classmates if I possibly can. I just say that it is so interesting to me and that it is exactly what I have wanted to do for SOOOO long that my brain just absorbs it all. Now, when it comes to next semester...well I will just have to wait and see. I say we take it when we can get it because Lord knows what the future holds!

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