Is your place of employment offering you the flu vaccine?

Nurses General Nursing


The hospital that I work at is not immunizing any of the nurses, and I am quite surprised by this. I understand that severity of the shortage, but arent healthcare workers in the high risk category?

I can see it now, once the influenza pts start getting hospitalized, it will spread like crazy.

We were offered the vaccine at my place of employment.

Someone came around at our clinicals and offered them to us, as well as staff. (I'm not sure what restrictions they had on "staff"). I might have been inclined to decline if I were younger, but, since I am over 50, plus direct patient care, seemed worthwhile to get one. (Actually, I had received one from my health care provider the Saturday before--who DID have people fill out a form indicating that they were high risk.)

Nurse First

Specializes in correctional-CCHCP/detox nurse, DOULA-Birth Assist.

We were told we are not getting any for us or our patients.

The local clinic has it but the state can't buy a bottle or 2, go figure.

But then again I don't care about myself because I don't get the vaccine and haven't had it in years, my kids don't get one either. You may not totally agree with me but universal precautions and common sense goes a long way in life.

My hospital which is large, trauma I does not have any right now for anyone including patients. Hopefully soon, possibly several weeks to wait.

Disgracefull that the USA could not have contingency plans, but could manage to innoculate prisoners, congressmen, senators, etc. and their assorted department help.

A large South Carolina University coach had the entire basketball team get the flu shot. (Read healthy 18-23 year old males with no RF).He stated that he wanted his team to stay healthy so they would have the best chance to win. This despite seniors in our states capital waiting in day long lines for the chance of a flu shot. (if it runs out before they get their turn, so sorry.)

for our town they only got 500 vaccines and only the high risk can get them. no healthcare workers. we serve the surrounding communities also and they total population is some where around 5,000. but where i do my clinicals about 45min away they had a abundance of the vaccine. me and 2 other students gave about 60 flu shots to the residents at the nursing home during our rotation a few weeks ago. the staff were also getting them also, but they students were not alowed to. i dont think that is right. one of our doctors told us about the nasal vaccine but advised that you cannot work for at least 2 weeks because it is a live virus and can spread rapidly, so what is the point with this nasal spray if you are gonna spread it anyways???

we were lucky. Our facility had ordered a supply in Sept. because we were doing a public vaccination. So we have enough to follow the CDC guidelines.

I work at a Developemental Disability Program and all clients and direct care staff were given flu vaccine from the community health office with a $15.00 charge. I was more than willing to pay. :rotfl:

The hospital that I work at is not immunizing any of the nurses, and I am quite surprised by this. I understand that severity of the shortage, but arent healthcare workers in the high risk category?

I can see it now, once the influenza pts start getting hospitalized, it will spread like crazy.

I work at a Developemental Disability Program and all clients and direct care staff were given flu vaccine from the community health office with a $15.00 charge. I was more than willing to pay. :rotfl:

The hospital that I work at is not immunizing any of the nurses, and I am quite surprised by this. I understand that severity of the shortage, but arent healthcare workers in the high risk category?

I can see it now, once the influenza pts start getting hospitalized, it will spread like crazy.

Specializes in Med/Surg, ER, L&D, ICU, OR, Educator.

It is disgraceful for us to depend on another country to provide our citizens with 50% of any of our vaccines. Aren't we the world leader? If not, why not? It seems to me that we should be able to disperse vaccine to all the poor countries as well.

I also have to wonder about the people who have never taken the shot before, but now that it is so finite they are happy to get one.

Specializes in Med/Surg, ER, L&D, ICU, OR, Educator.

It is disgraceful for us to depend on another country to provide our citizens with 50% of any of our vaccines. Aren't we the world leader? If not, why not? It seems to me that we should be able to disperse vaccine to all the poor countries as well.

I also have to wonder about the people who have never taken the shot before, but now that it is so finite they are happy to get one.

Yes our hospital in virginia the INOVA system is giving all direct patient care employees the vaccine

Specializes in PEDS.

I was able to get mine easily from employee health, and we have it on the unit in order to get all of us vaccinated.

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