Is 35 too old to start from Scratch?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I have always wanted to be a nurse but didn't have the discipline to stay in school and get good grades. I completed only 3 classes when I went to community College 8 years ago. I've been working a corporate job for 11 years and feel like I need to make a career change. I would have to start community college basically from scratch for pre-reqs. Is it doable to accomplish becoming an RN at such a late age? I've also been told its near impossible to work while in nursing school. How does one pay their bills, health insurance and such while becoming a nurse. All advice is welcomed!!!

Hello rikki6695,

You mentioned that you are taking your pre-reqs online. Could you please share what courses you are taking and through which online program you are taking them. I have a bachelors degree and going back to community college to take the pre-reqs has proven to be impossible due to all the courses being impacted.


I'm 58...I've been an LPN for over 30 years. Never could afford to go back after a divorce and raising 3 kids on my own.. I enrolled the end of 2015. I have passed 5 courses and I'm very determined to complete by the end of the year. I saw a 99 year AAF graduate from Morris College, still sharp and ambulatory w/o a walker. That gave me the courage and strength to move no! You are still a baby! lol

I was told 3 times last week that I am too old and I am 27. I say screw what they think. It is not their life it is yours. If I worried about what everyone else though I would be miserable.

I was told 3 times last week that I am too old and I am 27. I say screw what they think. It is not their life it is yours. If I worried about what everyone else though I would be miserable.

Wow, who was telling you that? And you are right, it is not their decision to make!

Wow, who was telling you that? And you are right, it is not their decision to make!
Two of them were my lab partners in chemistry (they just graduated high school last year) and the other one is already a nurse that is 28. It is fine though they can think what they want I am not listening. :headphone:
Lightning, you are starting to come across as silly now. Telling a message board full of professional nurses (you are not one yet, still a student I believe?) that 35 is old, and too old to go to school for nursing just looks ridiculous.

I also remember your posts on another thread in which you state RNs are really just waitresses who don't do much else, they are there primarily to get snacks and call the doctor who actually saves lives. Your posting history shows lack of understanding of what nurses do and lack of respect for those who do it, so you can see why your opinions on the nursing profession aren't going to be weighed too heavily or taken too seriously.

I liked this, and then unliked it just so I could like it again.

Specializes in Nephrology Home Therapies, Wound Care, Foot Care..
I liked this, and then unliked it just so I could like it again.
You're so funny!!!
I was told 3 times last week that I am too old and I am 27. I say screw what they think. It is not their life it is yours. If I worried about what everyone else though I would be miserable.

People are so quick to call someone in their late 20s old. I'm 31 and I am just now figuring what I want to do with my life after years of taking classes with no direction. Don't worry about what everyone is thinking because in today's society it really is your own life and decision. The way I see it is if you follow what others do or say you will never accomplish anything and you won't be able to grow as an individual.

People are so quick to call someone in their late 20s old. I'm 31 and I am just now figuring what I want to do with my life after years of taking classes with no direction. Don't worry about what everyone is thinking because in today's society it really is your own life and decision. The way I see it is if you follow what others do or say you will never accomplish anything and you won't be able to grow as an individual.

True. When we start believing ppl's limitation and doubts about us, then we will be unhappy and uncertain. I think as long as you have the determination and love for anything, nothing will stop you. It will not be an easy walk to the park taking classes, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Specializes in Nephrology Home Therapies, Wound Care, Foot Care..

And it's not unusual for people to go back to school to train for a second career. Often the one they always wanted but didn't think they could do, or they had to be bringing in an income, or had a house full of kids that needed to be raised. Everyone has their own path, their own "right time" for everything in life. To tell someone, or even think that someone else is too old for something is just wrong on every level. We each have only to worry about what we're doing, and maybe be a bit less judgey about what anyone else is doing.

I liked this, and then unliked it just so I could like it again.

LOL I think you just won the Internet today!

I started nursing school at 52. It's never too late. You can teach old dogs new tricks!!!

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