Is 35 too old to start from Scratch?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I have always wanted to be a nurse but didn't have the discipline to stay in school and get good grades. I completed only 3 classes when I went to community College 8 years ago. I've been working a corporate job for 11 years and feel like I need to make a career change. I would have to start community college basically from scratch for pre-reqs. Is it doable to accomplish becoming an RN at such a late age? I've also been told its near impossible to work while in nursing school. How does one pay their bills, health insurance and such while becoming a nurse. All advice is welcomed!!!

Is that you, Josh Hartnett?

Oh, I hope so. 😂

It is never too late! :) I am working full time and able to take a few classes per a term. It is hardwork, but you have to create a schedule for study, work, and self care. You should start off with one or two pre req(s) and see how it goes from there. Just make sure you have supportive people in your life that will love and encourage you throughout your journey.

Specializes in LTC, HH, and Case Mangement.

No way! I am your age now, but when I was in nursing school several years back, they were ladies in their 50s who had grandkids and they werr becoming LPNs and RNs. So no it's never too late. Good luck to you!

I'm 35 and just started my pre-reqs this spring. No time like the present! I'm really enjoying being back in school, too, which I wasn't sure would be the case. Go for it!

I don't think you are to old at all. I am 33 and will be starting bracket right before I turn 34. I have a few pre refs done from a few years ago, but am basically starting over myself. I am homeschooling my oldest who will be 10 this year and will also have my two youngest at home with me too. They are twins and will be two in March. It can be done. You just have to stay focused and disciplined. Good luck!

Interestingly, the OP hasn't been back to this thread since she posted it.

Everyone is talking to each other, which is fun, but where is the OP?

Im sorry, but I have to disagree. 35 IS old. And you always have to think ahead. That user will not be a nurse at 35.. It will definitely take them 4-5 more years if they are starting from scratch. I honestly would not recommend going back to school unless you REALLY want to be a nurse and put yourself through all that stress. However, if this is your dream, then go for it.

I hate to break this to you but 35 is not OLD. I can attest to this being 35 myself. Even if she doesn't graduate until she's 40 or older retirement age is continuing to increase. I believe that currently the social security age to receive full benefits is 67 and they are pushing to increase that to age to 70. So if she wants to retire at that age (and many intend to work until they just can't) she has 25-30 years of being an RN ahead of her. Disagree all you want but the grown-ups are not taking you seriously.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other OP! I'm applying to my program this fall (had to take a break from school unfortunately a couple of years ago) I guess us OLD people can learn together.

In my opinion, yes it is. I could never imagine myself going back to school at that age..

Really? What a discouring comment !

I'll be 31 if I get into the program this fall. All pre-reqs don't expire, so all the classes I took 10-12 years ago still count. I made great grades back then, but I will be going into nursing cold turkey with only one class under my belt. I am enrolled in PSY 210 right now. I will also study up on A&P through Khan before I start nursing school. I am nervous because I don't want to be a failure again (I failed one nursing class back in 2006 and didn't go back), but I'm also excited. I just worry I'm I'm smart enough to do this. I do worry about age, but maybe my work experience so far will help me. IDK.

I look at it this way, life is too short to not go after ones dreams, desires or whatever you may call it. You don't want to be on your death bed wondering about all the things that could of been. You don't want to go through life full of regrets. Where there's a will there's a way. I believe you should pursue your dream of being a nurse. 35 or 85. You only have one life to live. Live life to the fullest. Go after what you really want. Don't let anyone discourage you.

Specializes in Nephrology Home Therapies, Wound Care, Foot Care..

About to graduate, Anatomy was many years ago for me. If you know bones, organs, major vessel look s, brain fxn, and kidneys especially, you'll b we fine. Kidneys are to the body, what the eyes are to the soul!

Extra Pickles, you stated that very beautifully! I have always wanted to be a nurse since i can remember but life happens lol. I was beginning to feel that at age 52 i thought i was old. but guess what i am not. So i am gonna pursue my dream of being an RN! Continued blessings to all!

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