Hi, I'm new here! i came across this site in my own personal research about becoming a nurse. I graduated college four years ago with an English degree, but have been working as an Admin. Assistant and Bookkeeper ever since I graduated (I know...weird, considering my degree and all). I'm feeling the need to go back to school to pursue a more specific field, and have been strongly considering nursing....until I came here! Not to be the new "bad guy" on the block, but it seems like I have encountered way more negativity than positivity regarding nursing on this site. Is it really that horrible?! Honestly, I really want to know. Or, is the negativity more just venting?
I don't understand this major dichotomy because I have at least four friends in nursing, and they all love their jobs and have highly encouraged me to pursue it. I'm starting to think most of the negativity is focused on those who have hospital jobs. Would you say I'm correct? I think I would best suited in a doctors office, treatment center, or something in a more "routine" 8-5 environment. Thoughts?
Believe me, I know EVERY career has it's ups and downs. I'm very curious to hear from 2nd career nurses who started out in the business world and switched to nursing later. How has your transition been? Do you feel the negatives are comparable to the negatives present in almost every career? I would love to hear your input!