Is this illegal?

Nurses General Nursing


My friend has been working for a nursing home as a CNA for a year. She recently graduated as an LVN and the D.O.N told her that she will start orientation. She signed all the paperwork and gave copies of her license, but did not talk about wage. The D.O.N recently quit right after and did not give the papers to management. Her first paycheck and she still got the wage of a CNA. She then called asking about her pay and she asked if she would get reimbursed and they told her that she wont get the paid. so is that illegal working as an LVN for 2 paychecks [a month] and still getting paid CNA wage without getting reimbursed?

Specializes in ER.

This subject is near and dear to my heart, I was working as a paramedic in ER, I was the first paramedic to get my RN, I was not paid a GN salary,however they worked me as one, lucky that was just for 3 weeks, My title and salary did not change untill I got my licence, however I was so happy to have a job,(thats how they get ya) I not only did not complain, I just Thanked them for letting me stay!

I don't know why everyone thinks there are all of these employment laws out there that protect people. Perhaps you there should be, but there are not. Basically, if you don't a contract, the employer can do whatever they want, so long as it is not prohibited by statute. Which basically means they can't fire you based on race, sex, religion, disability or national origin, but that's about it. Oh yeah, and they can't fire you for trying to start a union.

Oh I so wanted to show you how wrong you are.

But I can't. You're right. I just asked my attorney friend, and he said pretty much exactly what you said.

I am disheartened.

Foiled again by my stupid righteous beliefs.

Ok, so in a better world employees have more laws that protect them. But not in this one.

Thanks for keeping it real Mikey


Specializes in Psych , Peds ,Nicu.

those few labor laws we have protecting us have only been brought about by collective action , mostly by union members . Many seem to have forgotten that unfortunate ( to their point of view ) truth .

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