Is the Excelsior program...


approved by the NLN ?

I wanted to apply for the RN internship once I get my CPNE done, and the hospitals where I applied have written back to ask if the Excelsior program is NLN approved as a preconditon for application ste.

Any input would be helpful!


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the distant learning forum

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

thanks Lunah RN..! Thats a huge relief!

I am send ing you a pm, another question I wanted help on regarding completing excelsior requirements



Not only is it approved, it's an NLN Center of Excellence.

Excelsior seemed to be a way out of --oh you aren't a real nurse your just an LPN --mentality. I passed all the acamdemic portions without a problem most of this information we already knew. . .but communication with them is difficult they do not answer emails or telephone calls promptly. CPNE Application and finalization of the process is a very time consuming process AND OF COURSE YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY YOUR TUITION WHILE YOU ARE WAITING AND WAITING FOR YOUR TEST DATE CONFIRMATION. I have been a lpn since 1985 working in a hospital I worked on med surg and I also have 14 years experience in case management and I just failed again for the third time. I have spent over $4,000.00 just in cpne fees not counting the cost of lodging, meals, transportation and the humilation that comes with failing. I found that no one at the cpne test sites tried to calm your nerves or make you feel comfortable---I felt they just wanted the money again and again....... justalpn

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

justalpnwmg, I am sorry that was your experience with EC. That is heartbreaking. :(

I'm so sorry you didn't make it. I took the CPNE twice, myself.

Specializes in LTC, case mgmt, agency.

justalpnwmg, sorry you had such a bad experience. I work at a test site and see the CA there comforting those who have failed a PCS. :heartbeat She tries very hard to be comforting and as uplifting as possible. :p I wish all the CA's were like her. So sorry you did not make it. Best wishes.:redpinkhe

Specializes in Hem/Onc, LTC, AL, Homecare, Mgmt, Psych.

I'm also very sorry to hear this was your experience. For current students at the college: It must be new with EC but I was able to waive my annual student service fee (tuition) for this year since I am only waiting on my CPNE. At first, they didn't want to waive it, since I still had a couple credits to get after I had applied for my CPNE, but they changed their mind and sent me a letter saying I didn't have to pay. Thank goodness.


Excelsior seemed to be a way out of --oh you aren't a real nurse your just an LPN --mentality. I passed all the acamdemic portions without a problem most of this information we already knew. . .but communication with them is difficult they do not answer emails or telephone calls promptly. CPNE Application and finalization of the process is a very time consuming process AND OF COURSE YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY YOUR TUITION WHILE YOU ARE WAITING AND WAITING FOR YOUR TEST DATE CONFIRMATION. I have been a lpn since 1985 working in a hospital I worked on med surg and I also have 14 years experience in case management and I just failed again for the third time. I have spent over $4,000.00 just in cpne fees not counting the cost of lodging, meals, transportation and the humilation that comes with failing. I found that no one at the cpne test sites tried to calm your nerves or make you feel comfortable---I felt they just wanted the money again and again....... justalpn
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