Published May 18, 2012
102 Posts
I feel like a complete idiot sometimes when studying for the NCLEX and was wondering if this is normal?
Also, who else is taking the NCLEX this June. My exam is scheduled June 12th.
On kaplan practice exams I've been getting 70s. I haven't done the q trainers yet.
On Saunders on most chapter exams I get them all right, if anything maybe 1 or 2 wrong.
On RN pedia the comprehensives tests are mid 60s to mid 70s.
I plan to finish Saunders, do Lippincott next, NCLEX 4000 and then the PDA and Kaplan Q trainer, then hopefully another kaplan book before the NCLEX. However, already feel like the test is closing in on me.
163 Posts
IMO, you are doing too much. I am not saying the way I did it was the only way but I finished the NCLEX in 43 minutes at 75 questions and passed. All I did was Saunders exams over every content area. Go back and read the rationales. After a while you will start to get the same questions, but still think them through and understand why you are choosing that answer. Good luck.
255 Posts
hi QuenymamiLPN,
Im feel the same way too,, but in order for me get over with that. I read read and read so I don't make myself really down.
You should know yourself like, what topics are you good at and what is not. Im testing in 4 weeks and I agree. Time is really a pressure.. Calm down and continue reading, answering questions and rationales..
Goodluck to u
34 Posts
So normal!
I'm taking the exam on June 7. but I do have some insight on studying for the boards, since I already took an exam of this sort 7 months ago in Israel, where I come from. It's kinda weird and maybe funny, but listen to this: as long as I was away from the books, I felt like I didn't know a thing. But when I sat down to practice, I would know the right answer out of nowhere. Trust yourself! You went thru nursing school, so it's all in there. The best way to cram all that info into your brain is practice-practice-practice, and I'm saying that out of experience. If you got a question wrong, don't beat yourself up. Read the rational. Go to your review book and read about the topic. Next time you'll come across a question on that topic the answer will be there.
That's all you can do to help yourself.
Trust yourself, believe in yourself and you will do great!!!
Thank you so much!
kaustin007, BSN, RN
58 Posts
I feel the same way. When i'm away from the books, i feel kinda dumb, then when i'm studying i feel like i know enough. I graduated frm a PN program 2 weeks ago and my school has us doing the ATI tutoring before they release our transcripts to the BON so we can test. ATI is really hard and fustrating. Some of the test will be easy, then when you go back and retake a test in the same subject area it'll be completed different content that's evening harder. my down fall is pediatrics! im really worried about that on nclex. The more you read on the content you have trouble with the better you do when you practice though. I'm waiting to take my predictor today so hopefully i'll do well enough to be approved to schedule nclex!