Is anyone near or in the path of Katrina?

Nurses General Nursing


I have been following the weather channel, and I know this is a scary hurricane. Wondered how the folks in the direct area are holding up?

May God bless and keep you safe.

I am also thinking of the nursing homes that are under evacuation at the moment, and the hospitals that will on alert for what is to come.

Breaking News: Tulane University Hospital's Vice President spoke with CNN a few moments ago, at the current time a levee breach has occured and the water is raising at such a rate that they generators are going to be taken out soon, she said that at the current time, they were in contact with the local officials and the Federal Emergency Management Agency discussing a full evacuation of the hospitals over 1000 critical patients and staff. The flooding is so bad that ambulances cannot reach the hospital so if they evacuate they will have to put everyone on helicopters and ferry them to hospitals that can accomodate the critical patients. I am so glad that I am on a hilltop in Kentucky.

Tulane was one of the few hospitals successfully evacuated in a relatively timely manner thanks to their HCA connection. HCA has now offered their helecopters for other non-affiliated facility evac. Initially HCA was criticized as they went "outside the plan". A plan is great, but when it is not working, it is time to change the plan. The state of the disaster here far exceeded the state of the emergency response. This rescue effort was a national disgrace. We were in Monroe with hundreds of beds available and south Louisiana was being told the hospitals were full to capacity. We received calls from hospitals in NO asking for help. We were told everything was in control and being handled in a coordinated manner. Two days later those hospitals were standing on the roof begging CNN for help.

First of all my heart goes out to all of you that have lost or know someone that has lost everything from this awful hurricane. I've been watching the news non stop and have shed many tears. I'm very confused WHY they did not evacuate charity hospital i believe thats the name. i keep seeing it on the news that they are still in there with NO food,no water,no electric I just cant understand why they were not evacuated when they knew the hurricane was coming. May god look over all the poor people who have suffered so much its hard to believe that this is going on in america. God Bless Tiffany

I have been following the weather channel, and I know this is a scary hurricane. Wondered how the folks in the direct area are holding up?

May God bless and keep you safe.

I am also thinking of the nursing homes that are under evacuation at the moment, and the hospitals that will on alert for what is to come.

I live 15 minutes from new orleans. I stayed to ride out the hurricane in my house. We hardly had any damage thank God! It is just so sad hearing all the stories of people who didn't make it. Our hosital is one of 4 open in the metro area and it is crazy.

Caretaker, I hope things are okay for you.

How are things in your area and around Memphis?

We're doing good here, lots of people from MS and LA here, message board for housing, jobs, etc on this link.

Gas prices high as everywhere, all power restored now.

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