Published Jul 27, 2006
90 Posts
I am still waiting to find out what I was awarded and it's driving me crazy! This is my first time so is this the norm? Registration started 7/24 and classes start 8/21. 1 class has already closed. I am worried that by the time I find out all my classes will be full!!
Thank you,
608 Posts
same here, waiting, waiting, waiting! But our school does not stop us from attending classes because of it. As long as the paperwork is all filled out you're good to go.
172 Posts
I'm still waiting on mine also, but I was able to register for classes anyway...I thought most schools did that, you check it out just in case
19 Posts
I have had financial aid the last three semesters and I was always able to go ahead and register. The money was always there at the latest a day or two before class started.
Pixiesmom, BSN, RN
326 Posts
I guess they must do things differently depening on what college/university that you are attending. I registered for classes last fall before I even filled out my fafsa. In fact I almost dropped my classes because I hadn't heard anything about my financial aid. Thank God I have a friend that works on campus that has access to the system she was able to ease my mind before I made a huge mistake.
50 Posts
Mine is not in either, but I was able to register earlier. I also called the F/A office, and they told me all the specifics, I just haven't seen the letter yet. Good luck, I start the 21st also!
367 Posts
I would put money on it that you can register anyway. They don't need/expect you to pay for it right then and there. I registered for classes in early June, but the due date for the fees isn't until the 10th of August with classes beginning on the 21st. However, that date will be pushed back even further because the financial aid will not be ready by that date.
144 Posts
yeah, i'm still waitng too for my financial aid. i can't stand this waiting i wish they would hurry up. i've already registered for classes just waiting now. financial aid payments are due today(july 28th) and classes start on august 21st.
282 Posts
It has been different at my school so far. We were told to fill out our FAFSA and submit it before we even knew whether or not we got into the program... and in our acceptance package, we were instructed to send the results of our FAFSA to Financial Aid. Financial Aid replied with my reward package in June, and I simply had to sent them my filled out paperwork through the mail before July came around.
Many of the posts complaining about the administration at my school on really scared the heck out of me, so I called my school and tried to contact financial aid in fear that my paperework was lost (despite already having checked with them over the phone weeks ago to make sure they got it... after checking my delivery confirmation information with the Post Office), since I didn't hear anything from them yet... but everything was fine. I was told that the money doesn't usually come in until about a week or so before the money is due (when classes start, at the beginning of September). ^^;
Anyhow... I think different schools handle it differently. Financial aid is a new process for me, though... since I didn't have to really "pay" for my undergraduate degree (I went to a military service academy).
Good luck! And it wouldn't hurt to call or visit your Financial Aid office to ask questions about their way of doing things or the status of your package.
Thanks for all the replies! Unfortunatly at my school tuition is due at the end of the week that you register.
I called financial aid and they said that because I turned in my paperwork 1 week after the priority date I won't get my money until after school starts so I have to pay out of pocket first. This is so annoying! I guess I won't start until next semester.
727 Posts
Yes but if they knwo yo are getting finacial aide, then they should be able to do something. My first semester i applied late for FIn-Aid, but they put a hold on my classes and let me start and took the tution and other fees out of my finacial aide and sent me the rest.
Kimberly that is so stupid, call and fin dout if they will let you start or at least make paymetns until your fina ide gets there
157 Posts
I have a grant and then a loan. What's odd is I was told I had 875 per semester for the loan but then I had to go in and request that amount and I'm still waiting for it to be approved? Certainly didn't work this way last time I went to college.
I called them the other day to find out why my loan amount is still pending. My grant is already listed as accepted and covers my tuition. I have a couple hundred left to buy books so I'm not real concerned.
But I DO have to wait for them to approve and pay the tuition before I can go get books. I'm told everything should be done by Aug 14th (classes started the 22nd) so I'm waiting to go buy books.