IRSC ADN Applying for fall 2013

U.S.A. Florida


Hi.Anyone out there applying for fall 2013? There are changes this semester and was wondering if anyone knows what kind of score we may need on the NLN to have a chance at a spot. The application packets aren't available yet and I'm getting anxious! Anyone know when the will put them out?

LMB1979 I will def let everyone know!!!! I check like 5 times a day, Im going nuts. Guess that will teach me to be more patient.:yes: It has to be soon if the 151 alternate got a letter last week.

I was a 151 before Micro, but I finished up Micro and lab with A's in both classes last semester. The points do not show up on my Health Science App page but they may be taking that into consideration when putting alternates through. They are so hush hush with everything who knows! I had my pre-advisement session with Dr. Wise yesterday, she is so awesome!!! She answered a ton of questions and then took me down for a tour of the lab...OMG I was amazed at all of the stuff in there. I don't know what I expected but it far exceeded my expectations, I am so excited to start!! I am sure I will regret saying that LOL! Also, I was in the book store last week and ran into one of the girls that is currently in the program and she said not to waste money on lab coats because they never used them, they just used the white zipper up tunics. I found some online for really cheap too. Here is a good site: Uniforms - Nursing Scrubs, Nursing Uniforms & Medical Scrubs - allheart Also, Dr. Wise told me not to go crazy with the uniforms because as you get further along you will see what you like and don't like and can always buy more as you go. I hope I was able to answer some questions for those of you asking. Oh, they guy in the bookstore also told me that Uniforms by Mickie in Stuart gives a 30% discount to IRSC students...I am not sure how their prices are and/or if it is cheaper to buy online, but just thought I would pass along the info.

perkins med supply on us1 in port st lucie in the dennys plaza sells some pretty cheap scrubs, white bottoms for $10.79 !

FYI ... Just a heads up on uniforms ... make sure you get tops with big pockets. You will need plenty of room to stuff your stethoscope, light, pens, note pad, gloves, scissors ... etc. :nurse:


Actually the tops have to have only 2 pockets..however, get pants with lots of pockets..I do carry my stetoscope in my top pocket but other things in my pants pockets..

On the recommended list of books are there any must haves @pdowling

@pdowling...The only required books on the list are Calculate with confidence, Nursing: A concept-based approach to learning Vol 1 and Vol 2, and Nursing skills for a concept-based approach to learning.

There are several other books on the list that are not required but recommended textbooks:

Publication manual of the American Psychological Assoc.

Skills in clinical nursing

Nurses's pocket guide: Diagnoses, prioritized interventions, and rationales

Kozier and Erb's workbook and resource guide for fundamentals of nursing (9th ed)

Clinical handbook for Kozier and Erb's fundamentals of nursing (9th ed)

RN Notes: Nurse's clinical pocket guide

Fundamentals success (3 ed)

Manuel of IV therapeutics (5th ed)

Guide to culturally competent health care

Diseases and disorders a nursing theeapeutics manual (4th ed)

Taber's cyclopedia medical dictionary (22nd ed)

@pdowling...Out of the ones listed what would you recommend?

@pdowling...The only required books on the list are Calculate with confidence, Nursing: A concept-based approach to learning Vol 1 and Vol 2, and Nursing skills for a concept-based approach to learning.

There are several other books on the list that are not required but recommended textbooks:

Publication manual of the American Psychological Assoc.

Skills in clinical nursing

Nurses's pocket guide: Diagnoses, prioritized interventions, and rationales

Kozier and Erb's workbook and resource guide for fundamentals of nursing (9th ed)

Clinical handbook for Kozier and Erb's fundamentals of nursing (9th ed)

RN Notes: Nurse's clinical pocket guide

Fundamentals success (3 ed)

Manuel of IV therapeutics (5th ed)

Guide to culturally competent health care

Diseases and disorders a nursing theeapeutics manual (4th ed)

Taber's cyclopedia medical dictionary (22nd ed)

@pdowling...Out of the ones listed what would you recommend?['/QUOTE]


I would recommend the kozier books for fundamentals and the nurses pocket guide...I also have the RN notes pocket guide and I take it to clinicals with me. I got the Taber's dictionary but since I can google anything I never opened..

Hi Allison1993 and Reg4fun....

The book list has drastically changed with the curriculum, I'm sorry to say. We used Math for Meds and Kozier and Erbs Fundamentals of Nursing as our required books. In my opinion, no matter how much it changes you will ALWAYS need The Nurses Pocket Guide. I'm sure you will still be doing nursing care plans ... that book is a savior for that. I would not spend the money on the Kozier workbooks since that is no longer the main book for the course. I bought the Kozier success book, but only because we used Kozier Fundamentals as our main text (and never had enough time to look at it). I never bought the Taber's med dictionary either ... I was waiting for the new edition ... then realized I never once wished that I had it.

You guys are the pioneers for the new curriculum ... wish I could help more. Good Luck!

Regina ... you can have my Fundamentals success workbook if you want it. I might have done 2 chapters in it. Just let me know when you are at the school and I can try to get it to you.

@PDowling...I would love it! Thank you so much. I am not sure when I will be over that way, but I will let you know in advance.

Thanks again

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