IRSC ADN Applying for fall 2013

U.S.A. Florida


Hi.Anyone out there applying for fall 2013? There are changes this semester and was wondering if anyone knows what kind of score we may need on the NLN to have a chance at a spot. The application packets aren't available yet and I'm getting anxious! Anyone know when the will put them out?

check your emails alts ! i know of someone that just got rejected which means one of you will be accepted

I should be next Im 150, but nothing yet! Maybe they do it on certain days. I think it was two weeks ago on a Thrursday 154-151 got their letters. So Im waiting..... Will let you no asap:D

Good Luck @smileanyway!!!

@PDowling.....They are suggesting that we wait until we register for classes to get the required books because they are trying to get a package deal from the publisher. However, they have given us the tentative reading schedule for the books. I know everyone has said to stay on top of the reading and that there is a lot of it. Do you suggest getting a head start over the summer on the reading? The other thing is pharmacology...they don't list any books. My husband who is a medic suggest that I study the drugs over the summer. Do you have a list of what drugs they had you learn in the first semester? I know they may be different for our group with the new curriculum but I figure it can't hurt.

@PDowling.....They are suggesting that we wait until we register for classes to get the required books because they are trying to get a package deal from the publisher. However they have given us the tentative reading schedule for the books. I know everyone has said to stay on top of the reading and that there is a lot of it. Do you suggest getting a head start over the summer on the reading? The other thing is pharmacology...they don't list any books. My husband who is a medic suggest that I study the drugs over the summer. Do you have a list of what drugs they had you learn in the first semester? I know they may be different for our group with the new curriculum but I figure it can't hurt.[/quote']


Im surprise they didnt recommend a pharmacology book..however, during our first semester we went over insulins and we did medications cards on meds that we were going to give during our clinicals..we also had a med class and we need it to learn insulins and cardiac can review beta blockers, ACE inhibitots, cakcium channel blocker..other meds we learned depending of what class we were taking..GI or GU,pschy etc.. Good luck!

We didnt have a list of drugs to learn really. When doing our clinicals we would have to research and type up drugs info cards on all of the drugs that we would be giving to our assigned patient for the next day. Changed with every patient - usually between 6-15 medications was what my patients were on. The Davi'ss Drug Guide for Nurses 13th Edition (definately get it with the CD) is our medication bible! You get familiar that way. They stress learning the general classifications rather than the individual drugs (beta blockers, anticholinergics, analgesics, etc) and gaining general knowledge of side effects, what assessments are needed to administer, etc based on that. Its hard to say about what to read/do ahead ... I didnt do anything ahead of time. Just be prepared to hit the ground running. Also - Amazon has much better prices than the IRSC bookstore. Sign up for their Free (for students) Prime account and you will get free 2 day shipping - its worth it.

Thank you fubaby1 and PDowling....I am soooo excited and just can't wait to get started. :woot: Learning the general classifications is a good start. Thanks to both of you for taking the time to give us all a "heads up."

im really really annoyed that we are the guinea pig class for this "new way of teaching the curriculum"

this 'reading before class and then doing case studies based on what you read' doesn't fly with me because you're reading a whole bunch of new information thats new to you that couldn't possibly make sense, and then you're going to be given assignments based on it ? at what point do we get clarification on things we read ? ive never been the type of person to ask questions about a 'specific' concept i didnt understand. Chances were, if i didnt understand something, its because somewhere between the grand scheme of things something wasn't clicking, so i need to be taught it from top to bottom to actually get it.

is anyone else as concerned as i am ?

You will hear this many times in the program ... "Blessed are the flexible, for when they get bent out of shape they do not break."

I know that the people you have been dealing with up to this point seem to care less whether you are "in" or "out" of the program.... but please believe me that that will all change once you are in class. The instructors are fabulous, caring, knowledgable women. They do not want to see ANYONE fail. So far, the ones that I have had, will bend over backwards to help you if you are working hard and ask for their guidance. Give it a chance to work. This new curriculum was not the random idea of someone in the IRSC nursing program. It is being used with great success nationwide from what I was told. IRSC was approached and asked to implement it. I would be a bit anxious myself ... but starting the program with such negativity will only work against you. Try to get back the excitement you had when you got your acceptance letter. Best of luck to all of you.

I am nervous, but excited about being the first class with the new curriculum. I know a few in the program and they have all said the same as PDowling about the instructors being very supportive in our success. I have read about the concept based approach and many colleges are changing to this curriculum because it is suppose to better prepare students with a deeper understanding of health care conditions and with competencies beyond those in traditional nursing programs (

Change can be difficult and I am sure there will be some "bumps in the road," but I feel adapting to the adjustments and being "flexible" will only better prepare us in our career.

Is anyone familiar with Google hangouts? If you’re not familiar, check it out. The reason, I was thinking it would be a cool way to form a study group. I know that many of us have other commitments and/or live in the boonies (like me) ;) , and thought this may be an alternative to traveling somewhere for a study group. I know we have sometime before we actually need to be concerned about this, but this caught my eye. Any thoughts?

That sounds good to me reg4fun69, I will check it out not familiar with Google Hangouts. Thanks for the suggestion. I have started on the math stuff, it's not too bad so far LOL. I figured might as well get a head start on it cause Lord knows we are going to be busy once classes start.

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