IRSC ADN Applying for fall 2013

U.S.A. Florida


Hi.Anyone out there applying for fall 2013? There are changes this semester and was wondering if anyone knows what kind of score we may need on the NLN to have a chance at a spot. The application packets aren't available yet and I'm getting anxious! Anyone know when the will put them out?

more alts should be getting in soon as well, next up is the background and fingerprinting, so be prepared for the next week or so

I got my acceptance letter Thursday morning...whooo hoooo!!! I am no longer an alternate!!! Yahhhoooo!!! Congrats to you as well Allison1993!!!

My total score was 151, but that did not account for my Micro lecture and lab, just A&P...I am not sure if they added those into consideration now that grades are up and the semester is over...if so I received 16 extra points for those classes. Soooo excited to be embarking on this new adventure with you all!! I won 2 books at orientation. Did anyone get the "Calculate with Confidence" textbook yet? I looked online at our bookstore and it's not available but is on amazon and some other places. Also, I guess I need to get on the uniforms now. Did anyone get those at orientation?

Congratulations dreamgirl823!!!! So happy for you! Lets just keep moving down the list:) Did you get a traditional letter or an email? I also won books at the meeting on Thurs. yea! So exciting!

I ordered the calculate with confidence online but I got the 4th edition cause it is supposed to be nearly identical. I only paid 5 bucks for it so it turns out to be very different I figure I'm not out that much.

im gonna be holding off on the books and uni for now, i need to save some money up because everything is so expensive, i need a few more paychecks under my belt before i can get started haha. most of that math stuff is due in sept anyway, so if push comes to shove, i'll likely do it all near the first week of class, juss to get myself back into "school-mode"m

man im gonna miss weekends and sleeping in haha. congrats!!

Im a 150, so I hope Im right behind you!!!!!! Did they send your letter through rivermail?

Congrats to all the alternates that got their acceptance letters! I ordered the"Calculate with Confidence" book off Amazon for $47.00. Wish I'd thought of ordering an earlier edition to save thinking LMB1979! :up: I have my book, so if you need to compare if the pages are the same. I did get my uniform during orientation; however,I found that I could have gotten the same pants for $14.00 online. So, it’s defiantly better to shop around.

Has anyone looked at reading requirements? Other students weren't kidding when they said there was A LOT of reading!

Hey everyone, I am hoping to be ready to apply for Spring 2014. Does anyone have any advice on how to study for the NLN or what book(s) to get?

Thanks guys and to those that asked my total score was 154 including micro. After the background check, fingerprinting, and cpr class thee is nothing to turn in until our packets right?. I reread all oft the presentation I just want to make sure im nt missing anything.

@brittani22 I used the NLN review book and cliff notes. I scored 133. I could have scored higher if I had studied long. Give yourself a few months and remember to practice!

My letter came via rivermail. How much were the uniforms through the book store? Can we purchase the "insignia" patch at the book store and sew it onto our clinical white shirt, fleece jacket, and lab coat? I am going to order my calculate with confidence book today to try to get ahead of the game. I have been shopping around, I will let you all know where I end up getting it from.

@brittani22 I bought the NLN review on amazon, and it helped me greatly. I also attended the review sessions given at the school.

So excited to be embarking on this new adventure with all of you!!

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