Ipad 2...should I buy?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm almost finished with prereqs to get into nursing school. I have a laptop but am drawn to the idea of owning an ipad 2 that i can carry around with ease.

Should I buy an ipad 2? Is there any experiences out there that can help me make this decision?


I use my iPad2 for everything. I love it!!!

And like laski stated there are TONS of Medical Apps

if i could afford one i'd buy one i heard there are tons of uses for iPads not just for studying or medical purpose but also for everyday living.

Specializes in ICU.

I use my iPad allll the time for nursing school. I have a bluetooth keyboard and I'm good to go. I don't even bring a backpack most days, because I have all my textbooks on my iPad, so all I have to do in the morning is throw my iPad and keyboard in my purse and head off to class.It's important to still have access to a laptop or desktop at home for long papers and presentations and stuff, but for on-the-go, you can't beat an iPad!

The only drawback I am having is not being able to view some assignments because of the lack of a flash player. If someone can help me with that I would appreciate it.

I also agree, I love my Ipad2. The only complaint I have is no Flash, which sometimes is a huge pain. It comes in to play more times then I would like. I don't think there is a way to fix that either.

They are coming out with an iPad 3 in March.......John 3:16 :D

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