Published Dec 23, 2014
12 Posts
So i had an interview today for a new grad position at a hospital. I interviewed first with someone from human resources and then was taken to the nurse manager on the floor I would be training on. I am currently in IPN for receiving 2 DUIs three years ago before ever being licensed. I have a 2 year contract and no narc restriction. The interview seemed to go pretty well. I did not mention IPN to HR but did mention that i was in a monitoring program for nurses to the nurse manager at the end of the interview. She kind of looked at me weird but said it was not a problem since i did not have a narc restriction. Im wondering if I should have waited till or if I ever received a formal offer to throw that detail out there. I don't want to deceive people but i don't want this IPN program to be a reason why I don't even get offers for a job. Im torn what to think.
sallyrnrrt, ADN, RN
2,398 Posts
you did what I would have done
117 Posts
I think you did the right thing :) otherwise they may think you're trying to hide it.
Always best to be up-front, I think!
510 Posts
You did perfect, and if your state is an at will state (as most are) they could have rescinded the offer for any old reason. What you did was make yourself appear accountable and upfront. Employers like that. Let us know the outcome!
Yea I guess it is best. I just worry there not going to look at the real me and person I truly am because of it but what can you do.
428 Posts
did you get the job?
720 Posts
In my state, informing an employer or potential employer is mandatory.
299 Posts
Read the contract- I did not disclose until I had the job offer- an interview is an opportunity to sell the positive attributes of yourself. When I was a hiring manager I had a nurse disclose her felony at the end of the interview- I now regret not hiring her, but it did give me a moments pause (and I had a ton of applicants). Had she told me when I gave her the "you're hired" call I would have had trouble rescinding the offer...