Published May 3, 2015
13 Posts
Hello! I am from the U.S, and I have taken a year of general education classes. I am wondering if I should think about looking into Nursing programs through another country? Are they difficult to get in to? Are they expensive? Would I still be able to someday work in the U.S as a nurse? I would like to specialize in Trauma if that helps. I was also thinking along the lines of schools in Europe. I would love any feedback!
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
Read the many, many threads on the difficulties foreign-trained nurses have getting licensed in the US.
172 Posts
Being French, I can tell you that a French degree will not get you a job in the US directly if you don't already have a US license.
But if you'd like more info you can PM me.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
It is always recommended to obtain your nursing education in the country where to plan to live and work. EU countries give preference to EU citizens before considering non-EU citizens as a matter of law.
8,343 Posts
OK, international students usually pay double tuition fees. Can you afford this IF you manage to get accepted overseas?
US scholarships/bursaries are highly unlikely to pay for this type of education.
How do you plan on supporting yourself in another country on a student visa? How are you going to pay your everyday living expenses?
Finally, are you fluent in another language in both written and spoken formats?
17 Articles; 45,819 Posts
Thread moved to International forum.