Interesting discussion about Med students and Nurses


I found this discussion on I thought you all might find it interesting, and even entertaining in some places:

Go MOIA Go! You tell them girl! Some of their posts had me really steamed :angryfire ..

Go MOIA Go! You tell them girl! Some of their posts had me really steamed :angryfire ..

Yeah, some seem to range from very well informed to just plain ignorant.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I have stopped ever going there. The same hateful, ignorant discourse goes on all the time. This is not news. I am in no mood to hear doctor-wannabee's diss other health care professionals anymore than I would want a root canal to pass a couple hours away. It's just too big a waste of my time and energy to bother with them. The smart ones learn soon enough.

I have stopped ever going there. The same hateful, ignorant discourse goes on all the time. This is not news. I am in no mood to hear doctor-wannabee's diss other health care professionals anymore than I would want a root canal to pass a couple hours away. It's just too big a waste of my time and energy to bother with them. The smart ones learn soon enough.

there is a lot of negativity all across those boards I noticed.

What really shocked me was on discussion about nurses going to med school, a lot of them had nothing but negative things to say about nursing. One even told a nursing student to "run away" from nursing as fast as she could. Not sure what all the discourse is about.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Gee, i'm surprised some of those people can even type any replies, considering the flexibility it takes for some to have their head that far up their orifice.

(Mental note, will not look at the student MD sites ever again. For one, i'll never be a student MD and two, life too short to ever waste reading such ignorance again)

Amazing, isn't it??? They work with us everyday, but they still don't get it??

Specializes in Medical.

I've never sat down and systematically b****ed about all the female doctors. Individual doctors yes, though usually after some altercation, but not an analysis of all the doctors on rotation. As a rule, I find female doctors more often listen as though I have a clue about the patient, although there are - of course - exceptions on both sides.

It's fascinating to sit in on a discussion I would normally never be privy to - I'm almost (almost!) tempted to get my MD so that I can see what kind of impression of nurses their lecturers etc give them. I have thought about it, and I meet the entrance criteria, but as I don't want to practice medicine it seems like entirely too much effort just to satisfy my curiosity!

Edited to add And what's with the doctor who said nurses can't flirt with female doctors (as a reason for our supposed hostility)? Has s/he never heard of lesbians, male nurses, or non-sexual flirting?! In any case, buh-lieve me, I don't avoid confrontation with any doctors, regardless of gender, by twisting my hair around a finger and batting my eyes. What does that say about what this doc thinks? Oh, good. I'm working myself into a rage!

I'm not so sure the majority of these dilitantes are even student doctors...most sound like high school kids who "think" they are med students, hence the 3rd grade level grammar.

I was shocked at some of what was posted there. My quess there are people over there that have some individual issues they need to work on. One can only hope as they proceed with their training, that their eyes will open.

I worked with female students and female attendings, big whoop. No different than anyone else, except maybe better! I worked for a couple years along side a black female internal med md. There's not that many of them around. She was GREAT to work with. We were extremely busy, I worked like a dog, but so did she. So it was okay. Shoot, we'd even go grab lunch together. And, if I remember correctly she started out as an aide! She treated the nurses beautifully. But she treated everyone well.

I also worked with a female cardiologist who was a blast! Again. she was very hard working, and I was too. Loved working with her. We had fun gossiping about the guys! LOL.

The doctors I have worked with that were nurses at one time were fine. Even better than fine. They understood what nurses do and communicated well with staff.

Is that what a lot of docs think about nurses? There are a few threads on that site that are disturbing

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Wouldn't say that's what they all think. If we generalize them, we're no better than the ones that are being refered to.

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