
Specializes in Cardiac.


I am taking NCLEX again on monday. (2nd time).

I am feeling much more well prepared this time, but just wondering if anyone who has already taken NCLEX can recommend anything on INFECTION CONTROL. I had so many of these questions last time, and what I thought I knew, either I didn't or I had a hard time applying.

Any last minute resources or words to the wise??

thank youuu

The pneumonics on the 35 page guide are good. PLEASE know the different types of pneumonia. I plan to use the CDC website. Good luck listen to the 8 concept of the NCLEX. She breaks it down well. All the best to you. You will be in my prayers. I am also doing the exam on Monday. We will pass.


[h=2]pneu-mon-ic[/h] [noo-mon-ik, nyoo-] Show IPA

adjective1.of, pertaining to, or affecting the lungs; pulmonary.

2.pertaining to or affected with pneumonia.

Well, pneumonia can be an infectious process. ;)

If you mean, "Catchy phrases or abbreviations to help you remember things," you mean mnemonics (that is not a typo)*, from the Greek for "memory."

As to infection control for NCLEX (and work), the CDC is definitely your friend. Look at the info on precautions, and visualize what they mean and when they are applied. There will be questions on that.

CDC - 2007 Isolation Precautions - HICPAC

*[h=2]mne-mon-ic[/h] [ni-mon-ik] Show IPAadjective1.assisting or intended to assist the memory.

2.pertaining to mnemonics or to memory.

noun3.something intended to assist the memory, as a verse orformula.

4.Computers. a programming code that is easy to remember, asSTO for “store.”


1745–55; -ic

Related formsmne-mon-i-cal-ly, adverb

Can be confused: mnemonic, pneumonic.

Thanks so much for the correction, definition & background info. :-) I'll be sure to spell it correctly from now on

The Mnemonics for infection control that are on the 35 pg study guide is great! That's what I used for my exam and I had lots of it on there too.............:eek:

Specializes in Cardiac.

THANK YOU everyone!!! :-)))

Specializes in Cardiac. listen to the 8 concept of the NCLEX. She breaks it down well. All the best to you. You will be in my prayers. I am also doing the exam on Monday. We will pass.

Ahhh, thank you!! Good luck to you, too!! I will pray for you:-) Thanks for doing the same:-) Keep me posted on how it goes!! All the best.

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