Important info for all of you that are required to now complete the Visa Screen Certificate who have already been working in the US, etc.
1. If you have completed and passed NCLEX already, you do not have to take another exam in nursing. Once this is passed, this is it. You are not required to leave the country to take the CGFNS exam.
2. English exams are only good for two years if you need them. If you are from an exempt country then you do not need to take them.
3. You are just required to complete the paperwork and submit the fee.
4. The Visa Screen process needs to be completed every five years.
Again, once the NCLEX has been done, you now longer have to take another exam. For Visa Screen, you can take either CGFNS or NCLEX. The CGFNS exam is only good for two years, but the NCLEX is good for life. If you need more details you can send me a PM and I will forward a copy of the e-mail, from CGFNS, that I have.
Hope that this helps and decreases some fears that you have.