

There is a good chance I'll be going to New Orleans to assist with the recovery and medical team efforts. What immunizations would you be sure to have before deployment? Any advice would be appreciated. :)

I don't know, but won't the organization sending you there tell you in advance? I'd start with them.

I'm sure they will but was wanting to get a jump on it. Do what I can on this end prior to leaving. Thanks for your response!

Specializes in Med Surg, Peds, OB, L/D, Ortho.
I'm sure they will but was wanting to get a jump on it. Do what I can on this end prior to leaving. Thanks for your response!

The first thing that comes to mind is Hep A. Bless your heart for going!

when was your last tetorifice?

when was your last tetorifice?

Definitely tetorifice... we're running short here in MS, or at least they were when I arrived, they were relieved mine was up-to-date.

At this point, though, things are becoming more sanitized. The best relief of volunteer nurses not trained in disasters and working with a unit seems to be staffing hospitals. Your usual will sufice.

Go to

There is a direct link to Hurricane Katrina that provides the recommended immunizations that Health Care Providers should receive. Hope this Helps!

Tetorifice and Hep A. Definately. SG

Thanks everyone for your input. I went yesterday and had a combo shot Hep A and B along with Tetorifice/Diptheria. My arms are SOOOOO sore right now.

I am getting so discouraged with all this hurry up and wait. I just want to get there and start working. :crying2:

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

The water down their is septic, I would say Hep A for sure. Is your tet up to date? (every ten years)

Specializes in Women's health & post-partum.
There is a good chance I'll be going to New Orleans to assist with the recovery and medical team efforts. What immunizations would you be sure to have before deployment? Any advice would be appreciated. :)

Try this website

Are you sure you want the immunizations? they're dangerous!!!


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