Immunizations and being a nurse

Nurses General Nursing


Hi everybody,

I am new to this forum but I am highly interested in the field of nursing. I have a very gentle personality and really love helping people, I feel that I could be a really good nurse. My question is this, how mandatory is it to have all immunizations up to date? I do not have all of vaccines up to date and prefer not to take them due to personal reasons/concerns. How possible would it be for me to enter into and possibly advance in the field of nursing without having up-to-date immunizations?

Any thoughts are appreciated!

As additional info, I am located in the province of Alberta.

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

So were these side effects permanent? Did someone in your family die? What do you mean you would not be able to recover?You think you will die from the vaccine?

Vaccinations no longer contain Thimerosal, they actually have not in quite a while.

Yes, some side effects are present, such as fever, but these were not debilitating to me at all. I had all of my adult immunizations at age 18, a repeat of many childhood vaccinations. I had them all in one day, and although my temp went up to 99.4, nothing major occurred.

Yes, Austism is genetic. There is exciting research available regarding genetics and autism. One woman in an article I read had 5 children with Austism spectrum disorder. They have found that if you have one child with the disorder, you are more likely to have another child with the disorder.

They are also discovering brain changes they can see WITHIN the womb which are signs, present in born babies actually diagnosed with autism. This is exciting.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
Well, my greatest concern for myself would be that I would have a bad adverse reaction to a vaccine as there been several individuals in my family who have had bad reactions when receiving vaccines, fever, headache, diarrhea, vomiting. I would worry that I could have a bad reaction and not be able to recover afterwards. I just think that the use of preservatives such as Formaldehyde and Thimerosal could be questionable.

The vast majority of vaccines do not contain thimerosal. A few do. Tetorifice toxoid made by Sanofi, about half of the 11/12 flu shots, and the meningococcal vaccine (not menactra, but the menomune). That's it.

What, if anything, have you read on the subject?

Specializes in Pedi.
I do not think that vaccines cause Autism, but that being said I think that mixed with many different external environmental as well as genetic factors they may do more harm than good.

What are you basing this concern on? And, I'm sorry, but am I the only one who doesn't think fever, headache, nausea/vomiting and diarrhea are "bad reactions" to vaccination? Who's to say those are even reactions to a vaccine vs a bug that just happened to appear on the day of vaccination?

I have seen arguably the most serious reaction one can ever expect to vaccination- Guillain Barre Syndrome- many times and I still wouldn't hesitate to vaccinate my children or myself.

OP, I haven't decided yet if I an going to get the waivered vaccines...but I'm leaning toward yes

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