Published Oct 20, 2008
96 Posts
I am a new nurse in the ER. I give alot of IM injections and am wondering if I am giving them right. I have looked up charts and marked my landmarks. The one I am concerned with is the ventrogluteal site. If I landmark where my palm covers the greater trochanter and give the injection between my index and middle finger, as I think I am supposed to, it feels to high to me. I thought shots were supposed to be given more in the fleshy part of the hip but this spot seems more in the flank area. I know this sounds stupid but I don't want to ask anyone I work with because they will want to know why I haven't asked by now. Please help me.
72 Posts
Hilinenursegrl said:I am a new nurse in the ER. I give alot of IM injections and am wondering if I am giving them right. I have looked up charts and marked my landmarks. The one I am concerned with is the ventrogluteal site. If I landmark where my palm covers the greater trochanter and give the injection between my index and middle finger, as I think I am supposed to, it feels to high to me. I thought shots were supposed to be given more in the fleshy part of the hip but this spot seems more in the flank area. I know this sounds stupid but I don't want to ask anyone I work with because they will want to know why I haven't asked by now. Please help me.
I have found that my hand is too large on some patients and so I have to move my palm down a little bit on the trocanter. I found this out in nursing school on the manikins and it has gone with me now working with patients. If I just move my palm down a little bit, then I am more in the vicinity of the hip than I am the flank. Good luck with you.
jmgrn65, RN
1,344 Posts
It sounds right, but I am a more visible person, so i can't tell without seeing. there are alot of online texts you can look it up, Mosby for one.
ann945n, RN
548 Posts
I have a real hard time with the VG site, i usually avoid it and try the GM site. I find land marks are easier to find
GrumpyRN63, ADN, RN
833 Posts
I don't understand if you have the right landmarks how you could be near the flank. You are pretty high with the VG site anyway and there isn't a lot of flesh there, mostly muscle. Try to lower your injection site, make sure you are between your thumb and index finger, midway between your fingertips. I personally don't like this site, especially on lean pts, I prefer the GM or VL, much easier to landmark.
RedhairedNurse, BSN, RN
1,060 Posts
I make a 4 square window pane out of each butt cheek.....go in upper rt hand corner. That is how I was taught.
107 Posts
The Ventrogluteal Injection Site
This shows how to locate landmarks, too. I get ALL IM injections here and refuse to get them anywhere else. There is little to no pain at all, no matter how thick the medication. With patients in pain, they don't have to turn to get an injection.
8 Posts
Hi, I am a new LVn I got my License June 2008, there are so many directions out there on giving IM Deltoid injections, I do vaccinations at Dental office, I was always told to grasp the muscle about 1.5 to 2 inches then inject draw back and that's it, of course after finding your landmark, others say no just inject, others say use the Z track method, just want some input.
520 Posts
I have never been comfortable with the ventrogluteal site, and thus have given very few injections there. I have given well over 100 dorsogluteal shots though and never once hit the sciatic nerve like they now say is such a problem. The vastus lateralis is probably the easiest shot to give besides the deltoid, but you can only give 1ml in the deltoid. Nonetheless, unless the patient requests the ventrogluteal, just choose whichever site makes you comfortable.
As far as the deltoid shot goes, just flatten the site (or dont) and dart.