Published Nov 12, 2006
30 Posts
And I mean hospital-wise, in the country, where would you work? Let's say, hypothetically, you could up and move if you had to, taking your family would be a breeze, etc. If you truly had the freedom to work at any major hospital in the U.S., which would it be and why? What hospitals are progressive, have decent nurse/patient ratios, competitive pay, excellent benefits and decent working conditions? Any specialty. providing a pension a normal benefit at most hospitals?
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
Hmm.....I think if I were moving to a city I'd probably look into a pedi ER. I'm an ER nurse at heart and I love my job, but I think I'd like working with just kids. The benefits offered would definitely make a difference, since I've got a husband and three kids....we would need a combo of two insurance plans to get the family grown without breaking the bank!
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
A burn unit.
Wow.......*doffing hat*
Well, I guess what I'm really looking for are the Best Hospitals in America to work for. I know there are all kinds of lists out there for Best Hospitals in terms of care (like US News and World Report), but I'm looking for the best ones to work for....which have the best reputations in terms of health care provider environment?
1,237 Posts
The City of Hope in the San Gabriel Valley, CA
It is a beautiful campus and my dream place to work at. They have gardens everywhere, cabins for family members. Its just magical!
And working in oncology would be very rewarding.
Okay...I don't know about how they treat their staff, but in terms of pt care quality I would choose either UCSF Medical Center or Children's Hospital of Oakland (Highland Children's).
The only problem with answering this is that what i think is the best might not be somoene else's idea of the best.
1,249 Posts
I would like to work back in my old day surgery, post anesthesia unit, but with a complete change of management!!
I liked the job and the docs - but the bosses and some of the staff created such a poisonous atmosphere that it's now referred to as the 'snake pit'. Which is too bad - it used to be that nurses lined up and competed for jobs there - now they look for ways to get out.
259 Posts
I would work in a ski resort in Utah, Colorado, or Wyoming. I guess you probably don't have to ask why. Oh... and it has nothing to do with medical benefits, pension, or otherwise. :roll
224 Posts
and i mean hospital-wise, in the country, where would you work? let's say, hypothetically, you could up and move if you had to, taking your family would be a breeze, etc. if you truly had the freedom to work at any major hospital in the u.s., which would it be and why? what hospitals are progressive, have decent nurse/patient ratios, competitive pay, excellent benefits and decent working conditions? any providing a pension a normal benefit at most hospitals? providing a pension a normal benefit at most hospitals?
wow: what a question ! it's so nice to dream .... i would go to a place where we actually had time to hold a dying patients hand so they wern't alone. or, a place where we didn't have to make-do with the staff we have. or a place where the managers actually thought about the staff and patients as opossed to qa and pres-gainy scores, a place where we didn't have to worry about the constant threat of lawers hanging over our heads like vultures waiting to find a mistake. oh, well , time to wake up now, get back to the real world. but, it was nice while it lasted ! i guess the best we can do is know that we are doing our job because we care about humanity and deal with the stress of every day life as a nurse. (that really sucks most of the time...and not because our patients, but because of big buisness ) i've found after almost 30 years as a critical care nurse that all places are the same. they know how to cast a big line , get the big fish but they lay it on dry land after they get it and watch it flop around 'till it dies. after all they have the best fishing equipment around to catch another one. (that expensive equipment is called magnet hospital ...line and bait)
116 Posts
I would do my best to get to a field hospital in Iraq!