If you don't have a uniform...

Nurses General Nursing


How many scrubs do you own?

I've always had to wear hospital scrubs or a certain color.

I have a job offer for a NICU position in a children's hospital and they have no dress code.

I'm so excited!!!

I'm becoming addicted to buying Disney and holiday scrub tops on eBay!

Specializes in L&D.

Then there's the shoes, but that's another post..... Wonderful thing is, it's my husband who shops and buys everything for me.

Lucky girl!

Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care.

I have 4 sets. All solid colors. But one set is a different solid color on the top than on the bottom. (For the days when I'm feeling really wild)

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

Lisa.FNP: your pic is great scrub-Media! /in love/

As far as the question: I think I have 5-7 sets of Koi brand that fit right now. [emoji38][emoji5]️ after I finish doing laundry today, I'll have a more accurate count! [emoji28]

I know I have 2 1/2 more sets that did fit/will fit me soon....I picked up some weight when in school!! They are greys anatomy, which fit a little slimmer than my Kois of the same size.

And as far as shoes.....4 pairs of nursing clogs and several pairs of tennis shoes that match my scrubs!

Specializes in L&D.

Yeah the shoes is another thing...

I have two pairs of Danskos now but totally want more...

adpiRN said:
Yeah the shoes is another thing...

I have two pairs of Danskos now but totally want more...

Let's not even talk about shoes. That's a whole other problem. One of the other girls and I have a whole other locker just for shoes. As in we EACH have a locker just for shoes. And then we still have some shoes hanging out on top of the lockers with everyone else's shoes. But to be fair, they are the half size lockers...

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
OlivetheRN said:
Let's not even talk about shoes. That's a whole other problem. One of the other girls and I have a whole other locker just for shoes. As in we EACH have a locker just for shoes. And then we still have some shoes hanging out on top of the lockers with everyone else's shoes. But to be fair, they are the half size lockers...

Amateur. :roflmao:

I have a serious shoe problem! I have an entire cabinet just for shoes (3 shelves with probably 6 pairs per shelf), plus two over-the-door hangers. To be fair, I run at least two miles a day (and I have done so for the last 547 days), so when I have more than 250-300 miles on shoes, they become just for wear and not for running. I also have a nice Dansko collection. ?

Pixie.RN said:
Amateur. :roflmao:

I have a serious shoe problem! I have an entire cabinet just for shoes (3 shelves with probably 6 pairs per shelf), plus two over-the-door hangers. To be fair, I run at least two miles a day (and I have done so for the last 547 days), so when I have more than 250-300 miles on shoes, they become just for wear and not for running. I also have a nice Dansko collection. ?

The lockers isn't including the two trash bags of nursing clogs and assorted designated work shoes that are riding around in my trunk that I have slowly been smuggling into work...I've only been working in the OR for two weeks and don't want my new co-workers to know my obsession level quite yet...especially since I just bought a new pair a a uniform saw Thursday *facepalm* LOL now my not work shoes...that's a whole other thing. I have a shelf thingy in my closet that holds 30 pairs-ish and then I have a pile of shoes in my front closet. And a box of shoes in my closet that are worn less often.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Oh yes, the not-work shoes too. I didn't even mention the Doc Martens collection that is in its own closet. :D This is why I need a house with a lot of storage space!! lol

We are a bit "special" with shoes, aren't we? :D

I wear hospital issued scrubs. I LOVE not having to do scrubs as laundry during the week.

I have a shoe collection at work - 4 pairs... I only really wear about 1-2 pairs so I may have to revisit that, 4 seems kinda excessive the more I think about it.

I also have quite the jacket and hat collection...

I used to work somewhere where I could wear what I wanted. LOVED it. I had to watch, I spent too much money on scrubs...

Specializes in L&D.

Thanks to this thread I just bought another pair of Danskos on eBay...

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
adpiRN said:
Thanks to this thread I just bought another pair of Danskos on eBay...

EBay has fueled my Dansko addiction...I'll soon buy my 20th pair!

I have at least 50 pairs of scrubs; I have color coded scrubs, cartoon scrubs, and I still can fit them.

We are about to lift the color code only rule in my department; since I'm more of a klutz in the food department, I'm not partial to darker colored scrubs, but love love LOVE my holiday scrubs the most; my favorite scrub tops are my Lucky Charms and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer scrub top that are magically in pristine condition! :up:

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