If Only You Had Known...


Hi NCLEX passers...any suggestions you would make to a GN taking NCLEX next week :uhoh3: Any topics you wish you had focused more on knowing what you know now?


Specializes in ICU.

For me, the answer to your specific topic question would be "No". It's not that kind of exam. NCLEX is about analysis and application on an incredibly broad level. It's not what you know, it's what would you do based on what you know. Hope that makes sense... good luck

i have to say for me, it wasn't as much as "knowing something" going in, as much as it was "knowing something" after. i was a complete mess, when i left there. i was certain i failed, and not kidding when i tell you i made myself sick for 2 whole days. my advice, although it will be hard for you to follow, remember...everyone (or most) feel as though they failed, and that the test was hard....don't dwell on it, just try to keep busy, and get some you time in. ;)

Specializes in Cardiac.

I agree with the answer of "no". It isn't a content-type exam. You are going to have to trust in your ability to use critical thinking about the subjects that you have studied. For me, there were absolutely no straight forward questions. And I could have found reasons to pick or eliminate almost all of the answers.

They won't ask you about the s/s of lupus. They will describe a situation and somehow the answer will be something else. You will think of their urine and how they monitor it, then you think about i&os, then renal issues, then BUN/cre.....keep going on down the list and you will get your answer-make sense?

That test wants to know if you know how to care for someone appropriately. How to look for thing that may happen, how to prevent complications before they start.

Even though I passed I would have studied infection control and delegation more. Guess I must have studied enough on that, well not really, must be the critical thinking skills? I really dont know when it comes to that test I felt like another nurse here on the boards that stated "where was all the stuff I studied???" that is how I felt. For even having over 220 questions I felt like it was over nothing I studied. I know this isn't much help but is the truth.

I agree with the others above me as well!


AmyD RN (still love being able to add the "RN" after my name, I still can't believe it!.....LOL)

Specializes in LTACH, LTC, SKILLED, REHAB.

I think I would have studied popular drugs a little bit more. Also diseases s/sx and complications. Just take every thing you have learned and apply it to each question ~but in a 'Perfect World" patient setting. This exam is simply challenging ~and will make you feel like you are LOST~ but you will do GREAT!!! Remember you made it through Nursing School afterall...:redpinkhe

Specializes in CVICU.

No clue what to study more...but I do know it is NOT worth it to stress after taking the test waiting for results.

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