If you are not a nurse, do NOT use the title, please

Nursing Students General Students


I'm starting a blanket thread, rather than doing individual posts like I have been the last few days, because this might get some people's attention better.

The word "Nurse" is a legally protected title in most states (as well as "LVN/LPN", and "RN"). The law was written to prevent people who are NOT nurses from using those titles.

Beyond that, if you are posting ON THIS WEBSITE, AllNurses.com has a clear Terms of Service posted that you agreed to when registering for a username. To put it simply, you may not use the word "Nurse" or "RN" or "LPN" unless you hold an active LICENSE for one of those titles.

Usernames such as Nurse2Be, or FutureRN, or HopeToBeLVN are obviously not in violation of the TOS, as it is clear that the member is not misrepresenting himself or herself as a current nurse.

If you are someone who has mistakenly registered an incorrect username, please take the time to CHANGE IT. There are many members here who will be angry with seeing your fraudulent use of the title; some will be nice about it and ask you politely to change it (as I am doing) and some will be far less pleasant....and both will be right.

CNAs, MAs, who are using the word Nurse in your name....please stop. Students, post-students who have yet to pass the NCLEX, please do not use a title you have not earned.

You wouldn't call yourself Doctor Sally (I don't think?) if you aren't a doctor. Please give Nurses the same consideration.

Thank you.

I knew you hated your job!!! Bitterness just overflowing.... Im telling you move to ATL, we have FUN here. Nurses love being NURSES here!!!

Thanks for the offer! I can't imagine anything more fulfilling than leaving my duty station and buddying up with my new BFF, NurseLadi2b the MA! Hope you've got a spare room and a sense for adventure. AWOL soldiers tend to bring the drama!

Specializes in Med/surg, Quality & Risk.
Good one Miley!!

I'm not Miley anymore. I'm an asexual slightly overweight bearded ginger.

I may have reported it using that handy-dandy little triangle "!" icon, so it's anybody's guess as to whether it was intentional or against her will.


You should start a thread that consists of a guessing game as to weather I changed it or it was changed by Allnurses... That'll be fun right?

Holy crap, Redhead. LOVE the new avatar. Miley's gone for a TOTAL makeover!

You've inspired me to google "soldier nurse" into images and find my own makeover.

I'm not Miley anymore. I'm an asexual slightly overweight bearded ginger.

OMG you a beyond hilarious, I cant believe you actually posted your real picture... Get outta here girl!

Holy crap, Redhead. LOVE the new avatar. Miley's gone for a TOTAL makeover!

You've inspired me to google "soldier nurse" into images and find my own makeover.

SoldierNurse22 is that you??? Cutie Patootie!!

Creating a thread is going to enforce this rule?

As should be obvious.....yes.

As should be obvious.....yes.

Ok, good luck

Thanks for the offer! I can't imagine anything more fulfilling than leaving my duty station and buddying up with my new BFF, NurseLadi2b the MA! Hope you've got a spare room and a sense for adventure. AWOL soldiers tend to bring the drama!

I'm literally LOL....you're killing me! :D

Just be proud of who you are. I work with a CNA who's a wonderful CNA, but she tells people she's a nurse and is constantly posting selfies with hashtags like "savinglives, #nightnurse, #tirednurse, etc. Her education is listed as "studied RN" when she hasn't even started pre-nursing classes, yet. People are nice to her face, but ridicule her behind her back. She might as well claim to be a marine biologist. I've tried to hint to her in a nice way, but how can you tell someone in a nice way that they're the joke of the unit?

I'd like to have a master's in nursing, but for now I have an associate's. Despite my future plans, I would never call myself MSN at this point, even on a message board or other social site. It would only make me look foolish- and I don't need any help with that as it happens accidentally, on occasion. :saint:

As should be obvious.....yes.


I'm literally LOL....you're killing me! :D

Oooh! Ohh! Someone get Ladi! She saves lives, I hear!

Hang on, RNsRWe! I won't let you go!

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