If you are not a nurse, do NOT use the title, please

Nursing Students General Students


I'm starting a blanket thread, rather than doing individual posts like I have been the last few days, because this might get some people's attention better.

The word "Nurse" is a legally protected title in most states (as well as "LVN/LPN", and "RN"). The law was written to prevent people who are NOT nurses from using those titles.

Beyond that, if you are posting ON THIS WEBSITE, AllNurses.com has a clear Terms of Service posted that you agreed to when registering for a username. To put it simply, you may not use the word "Nurse" or "RN" or "LPN" unless you hold an active LICENSE for one of those titles.

Usernames such as Nurse2Be, or FutureRN, or HopeToBeLVN are obviously not in violation of the TOS, as it is clear that the member is not misrepresenting himself or herself as a current nurse.

If you are someone who has mistakenly registered an incorrect username, please take the time to CHANGE IT. There are many members here who will be angry with seeing your fraudulent use of the title; some will be nice about it and ask you politely to change it (as I am doing) and some will be far less pleasant....and both will be right.

CNAs, MAs, who are using the word Nurse in your name....please stop. Students, post-students who have yet to pass the NCLEX, please do not use a title you have not earned.

You wouldn't call yourself Doctor Sally (I don't think?) if you aren't a doctor. Please give Nurses the same consideration.

Thank you.

You should start a thread that consists of a guessing game as to weather I changed it or it was changed by Allnurses... That'll be fun right?

Nah, we know you didn't change it, nor "approve" it. I believe your statement "I'll use it until the day I'm licensed" was pretty clear

If you're trying to save face, you could start SO much simpler.....really.

Just be proud of who you are. I work with a CNA who's a wonderful CNA, but she tells people she's a nurse and is constantly posting selfies with hashtags like "savinglives, #nightnurse, #tirednurse, etc. Her education is listed as "studied RN" when she hasn't even started pre-nursing classes, yet. People are nice to her face, but ridicule her behind her back. She might as well claim to be a marine biologist. I've tried to hint to her in a nice way, but how can you tell someone in a nice way that they're the joke of the unit?

I'd like to have a master's in nursing, but for now I have an associate's. Despite my future plans, I would never call myself MSN at this point, even on a message board or other social site. It would only make me look foolish- and I don't need any help with that as it happens accidentally, on occasion. :saint:

Look foolish to who? Who are you? Nobody knows you rather you put your a ASN, BSN or MSN... Carry on invisible girl..

SoldierNurse22 is that you??? Cutie Patootie!!

Awww, that's the first nice thing you've said to me all day! But sorry... I don't swing that way.

Pangea: you're a good person, it's easy to see. You tried, you really did, and I applaud your effort! I just recognized early on which ones will be able to learn from their mistakes and which ones probably won't. It was nice of you to try, though :)

Awww, that's the first nice thing you've said to me all day! But sorry... I don't swing that way.

The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice baby! lmao

Awww, that's the first nice thing you've said to me all day! But sorry... I don't swing that way.

Guess the part about "Googling soldier" wasn't clear enough ;)

Pangea: you're a good person, it's easy to see. You tried, you really did, and I applaud your effort! I just recognized early on which ones will be able to learn from their mistakes and which ones probably won't. It was nice of you to try, though :)

I SAID BACK TO WORK RNsRWe... Check those da** NAMES!

Yeah ...I was trying to be nice. Oh well.

Soldier, Red, NurseLeigh, etc.....thank you for an enjoyable couple of hours....good fun! But I have plans that need to be kept, whether I'm laughing on my 'puter or not....will check in later, and hope this thread survives! :D Crazy thing is, her embarrassing posts would have disappeared if she'd only realized quickly...but now, they're archived for the world to enjoy :)

Guess the part about "Googling soldier" wasn't clear enough ;)

Apparently. I tend to shoot amusing threads like this over to my spouse to read while at work. My husband will probably be a bit perturbed, first because I became a man to prove a point, and then a bit disturbed/confused by the "blacker the berry" comment from "Ladi".

Super classy, "Ladi"! I'm sure you're making the real ladies proud.

Soldier, Red, NurseLeigh, etc.....thank you for an enjoyable couple of hours....good fun! But I have plans that need to be kept, whether I'm laughing on my 'puter or not....will check in later, and hope this thread survives! :D

Thanks! I hate to write you up for not following orders... NOW CHECK THOSE NAMES!

Thanks! I hate to write you up for not following orders... NOW CHECK THOSE NAMES!

A career-ender, I'm sure.

RNsRWe, please be safe wherever you're heading. Don't think about this thread while driving/walking/operating heavy equipment/breathing as it may cause you to lose focus and get into an accident. See you upon your safe return!

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