If there are no jobs in Nursing then where are the Jobs ??


What health careers have more job openings for new grads than Nursing?I'm exploring different careers and would like to know where the jobs are.Thanks!

Specializes in Infusion.

Where I live, there are job openings for new grads twice a year.

What jobs? Jobs in just about every line of work are difficult to come by in these times.

Specializes in Nursing Eduator.

There are jobs out there, VERY FEW...the process, I guess can be very selective now. I count my blessings everyday that I managed to secure employment as a new grad and then after a year of working as an RN was able to secure a second alternate job in a hospital. I work My BUTT off everyday, try my best to have a positive attitude and work hard to advocate for my patients, and most of all, I remind myself that I am not irreplaceable! Though I am not sure this is good for self-esteem, it reminds me that my job can easily be taken/removed/eliminated/terminated at anytime(not that I live in fear or anything)! I remember when I first started nursing school the pages and pages of job adds (especially in the medical field)....now there are hardly even 2 columns, which exists mostly of MA or CNA jobs!....

Specializes in being a Credible Source.

It's not that there aren't nursing jobs... it's that there aren't enough new-grad positions for all (or even most) of the new grads coming out 3 times per year.

I don't think any area of health care, nor anything else, is any better for now (nor will be anytime in the next 3-5 years).

Nursing is facing a huge glut of nurses - look for the market to respond as markets always do... we've gone from a demand market to a supply market; the result is inevitable.

Specializes in PICU, NICU, L&D, Public Health, Hospice.

un and underemployment in Michigan is 20.4%...that surely includes many nurses.

Specializes in Pediatrics, PICU, CM, DM.

There are many jobs in nursing, though fewer than there were several years ago, and mostly off-shift for external applicants. It will always be hardest to find that initial job, but jobs for experienced nurses will always be there. Other health professions have jobs open, too, but the need for a large pool of nurses will keep the need high for years. Yes, the economy is pretty bleak right now, but nursing has always run in cycles, and it's unlikely that the current market conditions will continue, especially given the population demographics that show the "graying" of the "baby boomer" generation. If you are just at the point of starting your education now, you will have 2-4 years before you enter the job market so it's better to consider long term trends anyway. Other professions with good long term outlooks include rehabilitation specialties (e.g. physical and occupational therapy) and pharmacy.

I am in AZ and I noticed that physical/occupational therapists seem to be in high demand and job offers are open for new grads. Unfortunately, there are waiting lists to get in schools, and there are obviously not enough schools for this kind of degree at the moment.

Specializes in Nursing Eduator.

Thank you for the information. I believe it is important to let nurses where to look for employment. Your help is greatly appreciated by all..


There are jobs out there, VERY FEW...the process, I guess can be very selective now. I count my blessings everyday that I managed to secure employment as a new grad and then after a year of working as an RN was able to secure a second alternate job in a hospital. I work My BUTT off everyday, try my best to have a positive attitude and work hard to advocate for my patients, and most of all, I remind myself that I am not irreplaceable! Though I am not sure this is good for self-esteem, it reminds me that my job can easily be taken/removed/eliminated/terminated at anytime(not that I live in fear or anything)! I remember when I first started nursing school the pages and pages of job adds (especially in the medical field)....now there are hardly even 2 columns, which exists mostly of MA or CNA jobs!....

OMG, I thought jobs are easy to get for nurses~ I thought nursing is one of the most needed careers!?! That was one of the reasons why I chose to go to nursing school......I could really kill myself right here right now. No kidding

Specializes in ICU, PICU, School Nursing, Case Mgt.

Yes, here in South Florida, there are jobs but so many fewer than just a couple of years ago.

Florida unemployment is around 10% I think..not as bad as Mich. but still dismal.

I think the problems lie in the fact that hospitals are increasing nurse/pt ratios...the older nurses (myself included) are not retiring--we can't afford to, so we are staying in our positions. Fewer vacancies.

Also, a Biggie is, the number of new "nursing schools" I used the quotations on purpose...

When I went to school in the 1990's (not that long ago) there were 2 nursing schools in Palm Beach County.

Now, if you include all of the "technical colleges" and private "schools" out there it's about 12 I think...

So do the math, they are all turning out these poor souls that have been fed the "nursing is recession proof" lie...and told they will always work. They are graduating with Huge debts right off the bat and can't find jobs.

Something needs to be done about these places, and the general public need to be educated on the fact that THERE IS NO NURSING SHORTAGE anymore.

Sorry, I guess I got slightly off topic...I am not sure where the jobs are...but I don't think they are in nursing.

THis happens to be one of my pet peeves, I am sorry I sort of used your post for my rant.:uhoh3:


What's the average income of a nurse these days? last time i checked was about 60 000-80 000, I mean that's pretty good, no?

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