Published Feb 11, 2014
2 Posts
I graduated from nursing school 3 years ago this month. I have yet to pass my NCLEX exam and am getting ready to give up at this point. After being out of school for so long with nothing to show for it, who would want to hire me? I was very unhappy with my schools nursing program and graduated feeling very unprepared for the world of nursing. I still study and do questions but keep putting off the test over and over because I feel like I can't remember anything when the test is in front of me. I took it ONCE and failed and I feel like I can't go back just to fail again. I just need some advice on what to do. Is there a course that I can take to review and feel more confident? Or should I just call it quits? Thank you for any advice.
-a down nursing graduate
642 Posts
If you want nursing .. really, TRULY want a career in nursing, take the exam again. You mentioned you've only taken it once. Once in three years' time? For the love of all that is holy, TAKE IT AGAIN!
You may want to look into some refresher courses, like Kaplan, to help you prepare more thoroughly since you've been out of school for such a significant amount of time. You can buy NCLEX books, review your notes, or even hire a tutor if need be. If you truly want to be an RN, then you've got to keep pushing to pass that NCLEX.
130 Posts
Some can't try to cram a lot of information and expect to regurgitate. Learn "POE" if you haven't already which is process of elimination. If you are able to eliminate one question easily it increases your odds in obtaining the correct answer. If you eliminate two, you are at a 50% chance of getting the right answer. Focus on safety and Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Also, look at key words such as all, none as they are designed to throw you off.
22 Posts
Do not waste your education by any means. Hang in there and research online review courses (i.e. Kaplan)! You can call it quits if you want but that would be a shame. I used to work with a guy that failed his NCLEX three times before passing (and I believe you get 6 chances)...and he is truly a fantastic nurse (and knowledgable too). The exam doesn't depict a great nurse, it shows you who can answer multiple choice questions correctly. As far as your education goes, if you know the basics you'll be FINE! You learn real-world nursing when it's just that--in the real world, at the bedside, after school. It's normal to be worried, but if you think positive and study hard you might just surprise yourself...
565 Posts
I dont mean this in a bad way, but it sounds like you gave up long long ago.
Graduated from nursing school 3 years ago, and only attempted the NCLEX once?
If you want it, try.
Its as simple as that
159 Posts
I graduated in 2011 and took my exam for the first time just a week ago. I wasn't doing much studying the entire time and really just studied the last four months. I didn't take a review class. Trust me, it is possible! I broke down the content I used and what my test looked like in a post. It should be on page two of the NCLEX forum. Good luck to you and I would love to help you if you have any specific questions! Just PM me.
491 Posts
I would also say to pray and ask God to give you the ability to see yourself doing what you really want to do!! I would then make some contacts with someone who you really listened to at your school and try to talk to a nurse that you may know. My point is to make some contacts due to you being out of school so long and bridge the gap so that you can easily explain your situation. Since you are worried about managers not accepting you, making those contacts would be really good and I would also look into doing some refresher at the school you attended to go back over the nursing skills. Don't give up on yourself, you are worth every bit of what you have put into this career don't ever forget that!!!! I pray that God will cause I fire to light within you to give you the motive to get back into the swing of things! Good luck......
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,048 Posts
Hello,I graduated from nursing school 3 years ago this month. I have yet to pass my NCLEX exam and am getting ready to give up at this point. After being out of school for so long with nothing to show for it, who would want to hire me? I was very unhappy with my schools nursing program and graduated feeling very unprepared for the world of nursing. I still study and do questions but keep putting off the test over and over because I feel like I can't remember anything when the test is in front of me. I took it ONCE and failed and I feel like I can't go back just to fail again. I just need some advice on what to do. Is there a course that I can take to review and feel more confident? Or should I just call it quits? Thank you for any advice.-a down nursing graduate
If you really want to be a nurse, why haven't you done something about repeating the NCLEX? It sounds like you've already given up on nursing. That's OK -- Not everyone should be a nurse. But perhaps you need to do some introspection and decide what it is you'd rather do.
224 Posts
I hope you follow your heart in whichever direction it leads you, but just remember: you can't get this time back. Consider following some of the suggestions above. If self-doubt or fear is what's holding you back, give it the smack-down!! This is your time!
Best of luck!