I want to get out of nursing, but should I do the BSN anyway?

Nurses General Nursing


Yes, I KNOW this is an insane question!

That being said, the degree itself is a life goal kind of thing, and I have most (all?) of the gen ed reqs done already- many from the school I'm planning to attend.

Allowing myself to come to the full realization that I don't want to be a nurse anymore took 12 years and a bout of major depression. The problem is that I don't have a better career in mind (other than finding someone to pay me to write trash). There are some things in nursing that do interest me- for instance, I'd potentially be interested in providing mental health care to other nurses (in my view, an underserved population), but that would likely require at least an MSN. It's a lot of money and time and energy to commit to something you're only potentially interested in.

Buuuuut back to the BSN. For those of you who have gotten it (especially those who have transitioned from ADN to BSN), was it worth it? I'd be looking at between 12-13K for the program, and I still have nightmares about the stress of getting the ADN (and I was already an LPN at the time). Have heard mixed things. I've also heard that the BSN tends to be more paper-writing. I'm sure this question has been asked about a million times before on this site, but I guess I'd really like to hear from someone who got the BSN even though they were pretty on the fence about nursing in general.

Thanks for reading!

Specializes in Emergency Department.

Whether or not you should go ahead and pursue the BSN really depends upon whether or not you want to move into an area of nursing that requires a Masters Degree or higher. While I am "just" an ADN, I have a Bachelors. It's going to be relatively difficult for me to transition to a Nursing Masters without formally getting a BSN. The fact that I have a Bachelors just means that I don't (or shouldn't) have to repeat a lot of the upper division GE but that's about the only stuff I get to "skip" as I still would need certain nursing courses that an MSN program would require. The good news, if any, is that once you're an RN, the courses to upgrade will be academic. That just means more reading and writing and probably a lot more writing than you're used to if the only education you've attained to this point is an Associates Degree. If you've already earned a Bachelors in another field, it shouldn't be much worse than anything you've done so far.

In short, it's all up to you. Of course, if you're looking at getting out of nursing, why not look at a Bachelors in something else that interests you? Just don't toss the RN... it earns you money and could be a good backup until you get a job that pays you at least as well in another field.

I worked as a security guard (full time) through nursing school because that allowed me to pay the bills and I could study while at work. It was a means to get me to where I am now. Down the road might I leave nursing? Sure but I don't see that happening any time soon, if ever, at this point.

.... I'd be looking at between 12-13K for the program, and I still have nightmares about the stress of getting the ADN (and I was already an LPN at the time).

Are you willing to foot that much debt before you are even sure that degree will be helpful in your next career? I'd make an appointment with the guidance counselors at your school of choice to talk about pathways and what would transfer where. Best of luck, it takes a lot of courage to make a career change!

Never felt the need for a BSN. My understanding is it can be done fairly cheap and all on line.

If you are just looking to get away from the bedside, you have the experience to do that.

Specializes in school nurse.

If it's quicker for you now to get a BSN than another bachelor's degree, maybe you should consider it. There are jobs that won't look at you if you don't have a four year degree regardless of the major. I had an ADN and a paralegal certificate and was working on a project at a lawfirm through an agency once. A staff paralegal position opened up that I was interested in, but HR wouldn't consider me because one of the requirements was a BA/BS. (The major wasn't specified.)

Like jedrnurse said, if it is quicker to get a BSN than a degree in a totally different area, I would not do so, based upon your lukewarm attitude and the generalized lack of necessity. The BSN only becomes somewhat potentially helpful if you are committed to the nursing career. It would be far better if you could identify a career field and college major that generates enough personal interest to justify the cost at this point. Leaving nursing should improve your outlook. Finding a new line of work that invigorates you would be a boost.

I wouldn't invest anything until you have some hazy idea of what you'd want to do. If your next goal requires a master's for entry, by all means, get the bsn to apply for the masters. If your next goal requires a separate bachelor's or another certificate, getting a bsn would be a waste of time and money. Give it some time and deliberate thought.

Specializes in ED, Pedi Vasc access, Paramedic serving 6 towns.

I would say no if you do not have any desire to be a nurse. It's a total waste of 12K for something you will not use, instead figure out what else you want to do and if it requires more college use the money for that!


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