I think I'm gonna quit nursing

Nurses General Nursing


I dont want to be a nurse anymore. I don't want to be in the medical field anymore. Im not just feeling burnt out, underappreciated, drained in all aspects, and all kinds of stressed out. I just feel like I have lost all my passion and interest. I still like people though. Its not just because being in the bedside sucks just as every nurse nurse knows, but I think the medical field in general is not for me anymore... I've been doubting my career choice since college. Now, I have been a nurse for almost 4 yrs and I think its enough time to realize that this may not be my life calling or purpose.

I feel like I became a nurse because I was raised to be goal oriented, and I was challenged because nursing school is tough. I guess I wanted to prove that I was smart or something. I wanted to pursue a different career path but I just had to prove something. BUT Now, I also just realized that nobody cares.

So, here I am, stressed out. I feel like going on a new journey to self actualization. I guess I still have to feel uncomfortable as I have to work as a nurse to pay the bills. I just dont want to work as a nurse while Im going through feelings such as this, because it would be unfair and a disservice to myself and to my patients down the line. I definitely have to get out and as soon as possible. I really, genuinely dont like it anymore.

So, there's that. I just feel like I had to share.

Is there anyone else that feels or have felt what I feel? Know anyone who's made a nonmedical career change? Thoughts?

On 2/7/2019 at 10:05 PM, Workitinurfava said:

I don't know of many nurses that work in informatics. I do know of more IT professionals going for their nursing degree after working in IT and getting nursing informatics degrees/positions though. I am not saying it isn't a good idea but doesn't it require a good portion of IT experience?

Informatics is interesting because it relates to technology but I still have no idea what exactly nurse informaticists really do.

I've been a nurse for quite some time now, >10yrs.

I've felt the same way for a while. I looked into nursing out of bedside, informatics and education.

But I am still here, bedside nursing. I can't say I love it. I have had easy days and hard days. Nursing is mentally and physically draining. I can't tell you how many chiropractor, massage and acupuncture visits I've had. LOL

What I do to help include: working less, going on small get-aways every month, physical activities help me a lot.

I'll let you know how I feel in a year. Heh.

Wow, not sure if you'll see my comment but I literally am the same. I went into nursing initially bc I had family in the medical field and it did interest me but I did it bc I thought its what would make people proud of me and it was almost just a challenge I wanted to prove I could do. I was so determined to prove myself and get that license that by the time I did and actually had to start working I had no idea what direction I was going or why I got into it in the first place, other then to please friends/family that ultimately didn't really care. I found myself miserable, stressed, and starting to have panic attacks going into work. Ive taken a step back and still don't know if its what I want to do. My only advise is to at least keep a prn position while your figuring it out. I wish I did. But I let my anxiety get so bad that I dont even think I could go back to it. And the positions I really want to try are out of my reach now. Its sad though bc I waned to impress others proving I could do it and now Im worried Ill look like a total failure and disappoint them. But I need to let that go and do what makes me happy or at least what motivates me, not what I think other people want.

But thanks for posting this, I feel so alone sometimes bc all my nurse friends are so ambitious and love it that I feel out of place and have no one who understands.

Nursing was never a calling for me. It was something I decided to do because I enjoyed taking care of people. I had a desire to heal people. I first started out in taking care of people through working at a daycare. I then changed my career to nursing. In the beginning I felt that I was really helping people. Over the years I saw so many changes with nursing and not for the good. There are so many duties that take you away from actually caring for the patient. It breaks my heart that I don't have enough time to do the things that the patient needs. There is a hospital right down the road from my house that I planned working at but they will only hire me if I work the night shift. I just can't do it. I have tried it before and have gotten extremely sick. There are many options in nursing but at the same time, you have to meet so many requirements or know someone to be able to take advantage of all of the opportunites that exist. On top of that short staffing is so insane. You will have to sacrifice something when you work as a nurse under the craziness conditions. Often times you will be sacrificing the energy to take care of your own needs and your families needs. I have always felt deep down that nursing is for the Florence Nightingale types. A woman with no husband or a family. All in all I am okay with the choice I made to become a nurse. If you can make it work do it.

On 2/6/2019 at 8:10 PM, morelostthanfound said:

I also find comfort in knowing that there are many others who also feel this way. Just curious how long you've been a nurse, what specialties you have tried, and what your new career choice(s) is/are?

I have been a nurse for 20 years. I have done ICU, PACU, PreOp. I did travel nursing in Trauma ICU and PACU. I eventually ended up at the wrong place after 2 years of traveling. If someone wants to accuse you of something and report you to the BRN, they don't have to prove a thing and you have everything to lose. The board may hear your side but they don't take your side. They will take the side of the accuser every time, no questions asked.

I am leaving nursing to persue a career in computers, particularly Cyber Security. I really like the job that I do now in PreOp but I don't like what other nurses have done to me and what the Boards of Nursing did. What one does, they all follow suit until one of them eventually decides they are the one to take your license.

I have stood back and watched how these nurses, who I currently work with, berate and belittle others, especially ones that are new. There is no give in their relentless taunting. They may not do it to that nurses face but I see it. Looking back, I have seen it for 20 years, day in and day out. Now you may say that that is life, but I say that is a culture of bullying and administrators put up with it and never do a thing. In fact they engage in it themselves. I never saw it before because I wasn't the victim.....until I was the victim.

I get along with the people that I work with but being falsely accused and bullied, left a bad taste in my mouth. My eyes have been opened and I decided it was time to exit right and put all of this nightmare behind me.

I have no faith in the profession or the board that governs it.

On 2/9/2019 at 9:45 AM, ChooSoul said:

That sounds amazing. What is the new career youre going into?

Cyber Security

Specializes in Med-Surg, NICU.

Not all of nursing is created equal. Med-surg and step-down units suck as a whole, but they are not all bad. NICU is a hidden gem, as is OR, PP, and Labor and Delivery. I also hear great things about psych, school nursing, community health and corrections. And then there are other things outside of patient care like informatics, insurance, and education.

Nursing is one of the most diverse fields out there. You just have to explore it!

Specializes in Home Health.
On 2/3/2019 at 9:28 AM, ChooSoul said:

I dont want to be a nurse anymore. I don't want to be in the medical field anymore. Im not just feeling burnt out, underappreciated, drained in all aspects, and all kinds of stressed out. I just feel like I have lost all my passion and interest. I still like people though. Its not just because being in the bedside sucks just as every nurse nurse knows, but I think the medical field in general is not for me anymore... I've been doubting my career choice since college. Now, I have been a nurse for almost 4 yrs and I think its enough time to realize that this may not be my life calling or purpose.

I feel like I became a nurse because I was raised to be goal oriented, and I was challenged because nursing school is tough. I guess I wanted to prove that I was smart or something. I wanted to pursue a different career path but I just had to prove something. BUT Now, I also just realized that nobody cares.

So, here I am, stressed out. I feel like going on a new journey to self actualization. I guess I still have to feel uncomfortable as I have to work as a nurse to pay the bills. I just dont want to work as a nurse while Im going through feelings such as this, because it would be unfair and a disservice to myself and to my patients down the line. I definitely have to get out and as soon as possible. I really, genuinely dont like it anymore.

So, there's that. I just feel like I had to share.

Is there anyone else that feels or have felt what I feel? Know anyone who's made a nonmedical career change? Thoughts?

I thought I wrote this!!! After the first paragraph I had to scroll up and check the user name smh! I’ve been in the game for 7 yrs now and I finally put in my notice!. 2 LOA later(2 yrs apart), I can no longer do this to myself. I’ve been working towards my exit plan since the first LOA and though it’s taken some time, it’s now the end of that cycle/period/chapter of my life & HALLELUJAH, I accept! I release that energy from my life and made space for the new. It’s been real and I’ve acquired a skill set that I can easily use outside of the nursing profession!

Nursing and the medical field is all about the coins and politics and that, is NOT what I signed up for. FINALLY, I’ve set myself free! Don’t be like me, I’ve known nursing was plan B for me since my first day of clinicals. I knew tht inpatient/floor nursing wasn’t gnna cut it. So i tried the OR even Nd couldn’t stand it. Been in home care for 4 years and it’s been perfect for me with the autonomy and high pay, but people are getting sicker and the hospitals are sending them home even more sick! & after 1-2 Days post op with no pain meds b/c of this opioid epidemic Thts been going on forever but now patients are suffering. Readmission rate at an all time high because of the greediness of insurance companies and hospitals.

Ive been burnt out & my soul is ready to move forward and see what else I can do. I’m getting too SENSITIVE for this toxic profession and my body can’t handle it anymore. I’ll be 31 years old next month & I’m OUT! My bday gift to myself.

Good luck to you gf, it’s been 3 months since this post. I hope you’ve found some peace of mind. Feel free to PM me because I GET IT 110%!

Specializes in Home Health.
On 2/13/2019 at 2:17 AM, indienurse said:

I've been a nurse for quite some time now, >10yrs.

I've felt the same way for a while. I looked into nursing out of bedside, informatics and education.

But I am still here, bedside nursing. I can't say I love it. I have had easy days and hard days. Nursing is mentally and physically draining. I can't tell you how many chiropractor, massage and acupuncture visits I've had. LOL

What I do to help include: working less, going on small get-aways every month, physical activities help me a lot.

I'll let you know how I feel in a year. Heh.

Yes! Self care is very important for us nurses! Good for you! I do acupuncture, massage, chiropractor, reiki, meditation, YouTube, staycations, I mean the list goes on and on!

I was Per Diem for the 1st 2.5 years of my career then went FT. Thts when all hell broke loose and I’ve been trying to set myself free ever since. 2 LOA, FT, Per Diem, back to FT then Per Diem again. My manager finally told me that I couldn’t change my status after I went PT for the last time.

Our jobs aren’t easy to begin with menatlly, emotionally physically and management sometimes are no help.

I hope this next year treats you well. Good luck & cont to care for yourself first! Mentally, physiclaly, spiritually, energetically and emotionally!

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