I did it!!!!!!!!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


Just been waiting to say the magic word "PASS". Yes I PASSEDDDDD... with 75 questions. Came to know today , still feel numb just cannot believe I am an RN now.:balloons: :monkeydance: :biggringi :jester: :D :smiley_aa :smiley_ab

Thank God and thank you all for your help, support and prayers. I joined this website maybe .like 6 weeks ago and it has helped me tremendously. This is an AWESOME site.

I gave my test on the 11th and the whole experience of actually going to give the test was plain scary. I tried my best to stay calm, breathe and do everything else possible to try and not freak out. I sat for 5 min in front of the computer before starting. After I saw the first question I just felt blank, but slowly I warmed up. Took each question at a time, after 2 ½ hours I saw I had done only 63 questions. I was hoping to get only 75 questions. Thought I should speed up a bit. Then after 20 min got the blue screen. Though I felt I did horrible, it was a relief not to get any more of those questions. I got maybe 10-15 priority quests, 1 delegation, 5 meds (which I think I got wrong), 1 math.

I had done Saunders, Ncsbn review, Kaplan review and the last week did mostly Kaplan Qbank. Don't know if any of that helped but I would def recommend who is starting to prepare for nclex to really study Saunders, do the questions and then to do Kaplan. Nclex questions are def like Kaplan. With kap questions your mind starts thinking the way nclex wants you to think. Inspite of doing 1000s of questions, it's almost like the exam could read my mind and asked me quests on topics I have always had trouble understanding.

One thing I know for sure helped was prayers, never can go wrong with that. All I can say is I have been an avg nursing student and if I could pass you can too. If I can help anyone in any way, I will be more than happy to. You can post message or pm me. Study a lot, do lots of questions and don't forget to pray.

Thank you all once again !!!!!!!!

WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you have to go back and find the "feel good" thread I posted for you two days ago :D

Thanks for the feedback.....so glad it went so well for you. I read the part about taking 3 hours for 75 questions and I thought "what WAS SHE THINKING taking so much time", lol.....thankfully, prayers were answered and you got 75 questions. If you'd had 160, you'd have run out of time, girl!

I bet you are beyond relieved. I would be. Personally, wish my test was tomorrow; I have to wait this out until Wednesday and I just want it OVER. I'm ready (as much as I'll ever be, from what you all are saying!!).

So, put your feet up, or put them down and start dancing, whatever the RN in your household feels like doing!!!


Congratulations!! That HAS to be a GREAT feeling to be over with it. I go next Wednesday at 3 pm. Nervous as heck. I have not done Kaplan, but did Meds Pub and alittle bit of Saunders. I actually have used Saunders all throughout nursing school with studying for exams, etc. So, I have used Saunders, just not alot in the past few weeks, mainly Meds. Hope that will still be in my favor.

congrats again and go do something FUN!!! I am happy for you!! And for everyone that has taken the "beast" and won!!! LOL

whoo hoo!!! Congrats!!!! I have the same exact feeling also! I found out just today I passed!

Specializes in geriatric nursing.

congratulations new RN! i also had the same feeling as yours! God is so good...:biggringi

:nuke: RNs2BRwe it was super sweet of you to think and wish for me while i was giving my exam. May God be with you while you are giving your exam next week.

I know i started freaking out seeing that i had used up almost 3 hours. It was some experience i tell you!!

I was just reading that you got 70 in QT 6 , way to go ! thats just too good, maybe handful of peop might have gotten that much. Except for QT 2 i had never got more than 61 in any of the harder QTs. You are definitely ready. I know you want to be done with it , just few more days, hang in there. You are doing just great. It will be over before you know it.

Will be thinking of you and praying for you!

Thank you 2ndy, kathy, hica!!!

Congrats Hica :balloons: new RN, i am glad for you!!!!

2ndy since i havent really used meds dont know much about it. But if you do get time try to look over saunders bit more maybe 1 hour every day. I hadnt done Saunders as much as i wanted to but like you said, i used it a lot while in nursing school. But if you feel comfortable with content by using meds, then just keep solving lots of questions. Good Luck to you, remember you can do it!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You definitely earned it!!! :) :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons:

I just took my exam today and it also shut off at 75...but I don't know..I'm miexed about it...not sure how I did....I hope I passed too...

Congratulations RN!!!! :)

Just been waiting to say the magic word "PASS". Yes I PASSEDDDDD... with 75 questions. Came to know today , still feel numb just cannot believe I am an RN now.:balloons: :monkeydance: :biggringi :jester: :D :smiley_aa :smiley_ab

Thank God and thank you all for your help, support and prayers. I joined this website maybe .like 6 weeks ago and it has helped me tremendously. This is an AWESOME site.

I gave my test on the 11th and the whole experience of actually going to give the test was plain scary. I tried my best to stay calm, breathe and do everything else possible to try and not freak out. I sat for 5 min in front of the computer before starting. After I saw the first question I just felt blank, but slowly I warmed up. Took each question at a time, after 2 ½ hours I saw I had done only 63 questions. I was hoping to get only 75 questions. Thought I should speed up a bit. Then after 20 min got the blue screen. Though I felt I did horrible, it was a relief not to get any more of those questions. I got maybe 10-15 priority quests, 1 delegation, 5 meds (which I think I got wrong), 1 math.

I had done Saunders, Ncsbn review, Kaplan review and the last week did mostly Kaplan Qbank. Don't know if any of that helped but I would def recommend who is starting to prepare for nclex to really study Saunders, do the questions and then to do Kaplan. Nclex questions are def like Kaplan. With kap questions your mind starts thinking the way nclex wants you to think. Inspite of doing 1000s of questions, it's almost like the exam could read my mind and asked me quests on topics I have always had trouble understanding.

One thing I know for sure helped was prayers, never can go wrong with that. All I can say is I have been an avg nursing student and if I could pass you can too. If I can help anyone in any way, I will be more than happy to. You can post message or pm me. Study a lot, do lots of questions and don't forget to pray.

Thank you all once again !!!!!!!!

Congratulations on passing the NCLEX!:balloons: Prayers and hard work are really the way to go to ensure success in something as challenging as the NCLEX.

I'm still waiting for my eligibility to arrive, but I'm already nervous. I'm presentlyl reading Saunders, but am also considering taking NCSBN online. I'd like to ask you, how different is it from Kaplan? What made you take Kaplan after NCSBN? Was NCSBN not a very good online review?

I also have a Kaplan 2003-2004 NCLEX-RN book with CD (Strategy Practice Test).The book teaches test taking strategies and critical thinking. Would you advise that I still take the Kaplan online? Or can I just use the strategies from this book in answering test questions on NCSBN, if I should decide to take their online course? I really think you're the best person to answer this, since you took both online courses.

LPRN2006, Thank you so much for your warm wishes while i was giving my test:icon_hug: .

I was thinking of you this morning and prayed for you. I am sure you did fine. After the test its hard to feel like yeah i passed, but as you know majority of peop who take the test pass.

For next 48 hours try to stay busy, go shopping or something, dont think about this... Will be waiting to hear the great news from you!!!!:)

Higglytown, thank you for your wishes.

I thought of doing ncsbn bec it is from the peop who make nclex. The review portion as such of ncsbn is to be frank really boring to read, you are much better off reading saunders , however they have whole buch of questions which are pretty good. As far as kaplan strategies are concerned it is fine to read and understand, however at least in my nclex i hardly used any of the strategies. But the kaplan questions are great, they are hard, but thats why when you do a lot of kaplan questons you will find nclex questions similar.

Read Saunders throughly, so you will feel comfortable with the content. Do also questions from saundres cd. Ncsbn for 49$ - 3 weeks is very good for questions. If you can afford to get kaplan questions then even better. Both ncsbn and kaplan are good, but if i had only option to chose 1 then i might chose kaplan.

Bottom line is try to solve as many questions as possible, review content you are missing and make little note cards and keep reviewing them. Solving lots of questions will make you feel more confident.

hope this helps. Let me know if you need to know anything else

Thanks a lot, pri4fun! I'll keep studying my Saunders book and CD for now, and when my eligibility arrives, and I really, really have to choose, I'll keep your opinions in mind!

Wishing you God's blessings and fulfillment in your career!:nurse:

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