Published Jan 30, 2010
7 Posts
How could the use of the nursing process have prevented the incidents from occuring??
A nurse was sued for failure to take appropriate nursing action when she improperly administered a tube feeding. Toward the end of the shift, the nurse remembered that she had to give a client a tube feeding. In a hurry to get home, she did not check the position of the tube before administering the feeding. She poured the feeding rapidly into the nasogastric feeding tube and continued to do so even though the feeding fluid was coming out of the client's nose and mouth and he was gagging and in respiratory distress. Despite the client's distress, the nurse left the room and went home.An orderly came into the room after report and sought assistance for the client, who now unresponsive. The client died a short time later.
621 Posts
are you trying to get us to do your homework for you?
no:) I am nurse praction in Italy, and l am learning english so i can have a job in USA
16 Posts
As my teen age daughter would say, I think it was a fail when they allowed her into a nursing program But yeah, that does sound like a homework question...
Oh, sorry , I just cant imagine a nurse actually doing that! Seriously though, what is it that you need help with regarding the question?
I am taking ESL class in New York now but its nursing ESL class so I have to understand the question first I kind a understand but I also need to find other peoples opinion but especially nurses because my professor told me to do so.
ghillbert, MSN, NP
3,796 Posts
The nursing process tells you to always ASSESS before you act, or IMPLEMENT. If she had assessed tube position, or even client's reaction to the feeds, this could have been prevented.
96 Posts
Sounds like she needs to be sued and banned from the bedside,she is a menace!
1,313 Posts
Is this a real scenario? I would not!
The nurse did not assess the patient before, during and after feeding this patient. She was distracted because all she cared about was going home. If he shift was that hectic she could have handed this over to the incoming nurse.
10 Posts
The nursing process..Well first of all you have to know the nursing process.
A - Assess (what is the situation?) D - Diagnose (what is the problem?) P - Plan (how to fix the problem) I - Implement (putting plan into action) E - Evaluate (did the plan work?) All together equaling ADPIE...
Ever heard if SOAPIE? It is how we chart. We need to record the following.
S=Subjective:record what the patient tells you(relevant to complaint including negatives).
O=Objective:record observations,scene,MOI,(relevant to current complaint).
A=Assessment:clinical impression(relative to chief complaint)
P=Plan:record pre-hospital care,initialization of treatments(Tx).
I=Implement:What action you take based on your findings.
E=Evaluations(s):asses and document response(s) to Tx.
Everything you do in nursing is about making sure you are doing everything possible to care for your patients in a safe, prudent manner. You have to know what your goals are then make sure your interventions are working. If not you have to reassess and modify your plan. Its all about assessing and reassessing.
81 Posts
This is simply a case where an individual had only one thing on their mind...GOing HOME.
Nursing is about patient care...if one is not dedicated to caring for another individual, then they simply should not be a nurse. Nursing is a career, sometimes one will be late getting home. Nursing is not unique in this regard. Many occupations have responsibility...and one will get home late sometimes.
Miss Chybil RN, BSN, RN
318 Posts
The nurse did not Assess where the NG (nasogastric) tube was positioned before administering the feeding. Without first assessing she had no way of Diagnosing the problem. She did not even care that the patient had a problem. Without diagnosing the problem she could not Plan a way to fix the problem. She could not Implement a plan she did not have and she couldn't Evaluate the outcome of the plan she implemented.
There is the nursing process: Assess, Diagnose, Plan, Implement, and Evaluate (ADPIE)