Published Jun 1, 2007
17 Posts
:monkeydance: :monkeydance: After 24 hours of torture and even posting that I was sure I had failed because my license wasn't up..........I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!:balloons: :balloons:
:monkeydance: :monkeydance: Do the funky monkey!!! I never have to take that stupid test again!!!!!!:smiley_aa :smiley_aa :w00t: :w00t:
2 Posts
:balloons: Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! It's over!! :monkeydance:
Party time!!!!! :biere: :smiley_aa :yelclap: Good luck with your career!
120 Posts
Congrats! May I ask your method of study?
41 Posts
Good Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Passed Also!!!!!!!!!!this Feels Great!!!!!!!!
18 Posts
Congrats! Can you give us some advise on your methods in reviewing? Thanks!!!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,871 Posts
514 Posts
Hoo Yah! Congratulations!
77 Posts
tx2007, RN
277 Posts
Congrats I wish I found out after 24 hours!!! The wait is KILLING me!! Congrats again that must feel great!
I went to ASU (Arizona State) and during the entire program we had to take these ERI tests called N-CAPS, they basically tested us NCLEX style on the info that we learned that semester, this helped us determine what we needed to review. Our last semester we took 2 RN-ASSESS exams which are NCLEX style tests, this was supposed to tell us if we would pass or not. After we graduated we had a week long review sponsered by this ERI company. I also used the KAPLAN book (not the class). I think the most important book to have with all of the delegation and priority questions is the LaCharity text everyone has talked about. We had to use it in SR2 because the faculty had heard that delegation and priority would be huge this year. I did 2000+ questions during school for a contract grade assignment and then at least 1000 questions after graduation.
The best way to study is questions, questions, questions. Remember Maslow, ABC's. Look over disaster priority, I had 3 questions about disaster victims.
Good Luck!
Liz, RN, BSN
304 Posts
:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: Party time
I did the Hurst review and it was great. It was fun and very helpful.