I need a pick me up...please!


Specializes in Hematology/Oncology.

My husband and myself have struggled to get me through the PN program. My children have not received all of my attention for a year. I had several nevous breakdowns due to clinical scheduling and family responsibilities. Just when I see the light at the end of the tunnel, 3 weeks before the end of the program, I fall and break my rt. ankle requireing an ORIF of the ankle and 6 weeks in a cast. Thus, no graduation. The school and I worked out a probable solution, I stuggled to finish lecture, midterms and finials, all on pain meds. The RN program will start their maternity rotation on the 29th of Aug., I may be allowed to complete my clinical hours then. The only problem with this is my scheduling problems will drag on till October and my plan to start work and complete my scholarship employment terms are also pushed back.

I'm sad, stressed, broke and angry I won't be able to graduate with my class who are some of the best people I have ever known!

Can anyone help cheer me up? :crying2:

Specializes in LTC, ER.

i am so sorry that that happened to you! the same thing happened to a girl in my class, a pt attacked her at her job, broke her leg just weeks before graduation. she was able to graduate (walk across the stage) but she did have to make other arrangements to finish clinical. i know that she was a bit delayed being able to do boards and everything, but it did work out. don't worry, this is a minor setback, take it easy on that ankle, and you'll be taking boards in no time! the hardest part is behind you, you are almost out of school, just hang on a little while longer!:)

will u be in the hosp while grad is going on? is that why u can't go? hope things work out for u, one way or another u have worked hard this last year and are almost finished! things will get on an even keel!:kiss

(((((((( HUGS ))))))))).... sending hugs and warm thoughts your way.

Can you walk (no pun) with your classmates and go through commencement before you finish your clinicals?? My class had a couple of students who had babies, or broke limbs and they let them walk with their classmates and then come back to finish clinicals.


My heart goes out to you...when one of my classmates ended up having surgery 2 days before graduation we all got together and threw him a mini-graduation in his room before he was discharged. Our instructor pinned him and gave him his certificate of completion. We all helped him out later by babysitting for him (he was a single dad) so that he could finish his clinical rotation. Although he took his NCLEX a good two months after the rest of us, he was able to hear what we had to say about the test-taking experience and he was able to spend time with his son before starting to work.

Good luck to you...things happen for a reason...we just have ti figure out what the reason is.

Specializes in Hematology/Oncology.

Thanks for the pick me ups!

I hopped into class loaded with pain meds and took my midterm and final exam. I passed the class. They won't let me go to my pin ceremony because I have not completed my clinical hours. I managed to complete 24 hours of clinical before injuring myself. I't not right that they won't give me my oin. I bought it but they sayed they will hold on to it. Till when??? :confused:

Thanks for the pick me ups!

I hopped into class loaded with pain meds and took my midterm and final exam. I passed the class. They won't let me go to my pin ceremony because I have not completed my clinical hours. I managed to complete 24 hours of clinical before injuring myself. I't not right that they won't give me my oin. I bought it but they sayed they will hold on to it. Till when??? :confused:

probably when you finish clinicals. I am so sorry this is happening to you. I know how hard it is to get through nursing school, and how disappointing it must be to not get to go through the ceremony with your classmates.


My husband and myself have struggled to get me through the PN program. My children have not received all of my attention for a year. I had several nevous breakdowns due to clinical scheduling and family responsibilities. Just when I see the light at the end of the tunnel, 3 weeks before the end of the program, I fall and break my rt. ankle requireing an ORIF of the ankle and 6 weeks in a cast. Thus, no graduation. The school and I worked out a probable solution, I stuggled to finish lecture, midterms and finials, all on pain meds. The RN program will start their maternity rotation on the 29th of Aug., I may be allowed to complete my clinical hours then. The only problem with this is my scheduling problems will drag on till October and my plan to start work and complete my scholarship employment terms are also pushed back.

I'm sad, stressed, broke and angry I won't be able to graduate with my class who are some of the best people I have ever known!

Can anyone help cheer me up? :crying2:

Try to take this opportunity to spend a few extra hours with the kiddos..you will graduate one way or the other, Then after you graduate have a little graduation party with the friends that you couldnt graduate with, take pictures and laugh at eachother.

Specializes in Behavioral Health, Show Biz.
My husband and myself have struggled to get me through the PN program. My children have not received all of my attention for a year. I had several nevous breakdowns due to clinical scheduling and family responsibilities. Just when I see the light at the end of the tunnel, 3 weeks before the end of the program, I fall and break my rt. ankle requireing an ORIF of the ankle and 6 weeks in a cast. Thus, no graduation. The school and I worked out a probable solution, I stuggled to finish lecture, midterms and finials, all on pain meds. The RN program will start their maternity rotation on the 29th of Aug., I may be allowed to complete my clinical hours then. The only problem with this is my scheduling problems will drag on till October and my plan to start work and complete my scholarship employment terms are also pushed back.

I'm sad, stressed, broke and angry I won't be able to graduate with my class who are some of the best people I have ever known!

Can anyone help cheer me up? :crying2:

:balloons: KUDO's to you for toughin'-and-bravin' it out through nursing school in spite of your health/scheduling issues. You deserve a MEDAL OF COURAGE. Many of us would have thrown in the towel and called it quits.

:balloons: CELEBRATE YOUR SUCCESS!!! :) :) :)

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