I am man, I wonder if I can be a nurse

U.S.A. California


In my view, nurses are always women. But I also heard man also can

be a nurse. I wonder if it is true. Is that embarrassed if man want to be

a nurse ? I do not want to be abused by doctors and other nurses.

What is the situation about man nurse in USA?

Thank you.

In my view, nurses are always women. But I also heard man also can

be a nurse. I wonder if it is true. Is that embarrassed if man want to be

a nurse ? I do not want to be abused by doctors and other nurses.

What is the situation about man nurse in USA?

Thank you.

Have you not heard about the history of nursing? When nursing first started all the nurses were men not women. The first nurses that existed were actually the Crusades. The men who went out and spread Christianity. They were actually nurses. It was when World War I started that women started joining the military to cure the wounded because all the men had to go out and fight. There was no men available to be nurses because they were all at war. That is why so many women are nurses now, so don't be embarrased.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
In my view, nurses are always women. But I also heard man also can

be a nurse. I wonder if it is true. Is that embarrassed if man want to be

a nurse ? I do not want to be abused by doctors and other nurses.

What is the situation about man nurse in USA?

Thank you.

Are you from the USA? The reason I ask is because in the year 2005, I'm a bit disappointed that you hold such presumptions about nursing.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
It is reassuring to see that male nurses are becoming more common.

As a middle aged RN nursing student, half way through my perquisites, I was curious if any nurses or students had come across other males who have joined your ranks in mid career or mid life?

I'm considering moving from a 30 year career in electronic engineering which I started at age 16 to a career with more tangible emotional benefits.

I'm currerntly precepting a male in his mid-40s who is a new RN grad, in his 2nd career.


I am currently a male (last time I checked) in his mid-40's and a nursing student. I'll be graduating just before Christmas if all goes well. There are another six of us in my class. Being male has never been an issue.

Best of luck to you!


Men or women can be anything that they want to be in the United States. You just have to be caring, hard working and get that degree. In the past all of the military nurses were men but then in the middle of the last century most men were not able to be nurses in the military but now anyone can be a nurse for the military or anywhere else.

Male nurses are great...they can squish bugs, stop conflicts and most important of all...LIFT THINGS!!!:) No...I'm joking. I don't really work with male nurses now, but when I did I enjoyed working with them. There is good and bad in both genders really. If you want to be a nurse, go for it. Times are changing, male nurses aren't really that shocking anymore.

As a man in a mostly female profession, you will have an advantage. I have seen alot of men promoted in nursing, simply because they are seen as more effective as leaders, since they are men. Unfortunately, sex bias is still alive and well.

In my view, nurses are always women. But I also heard man also can

be a nurse. I wonder if it is true. Is that embarrassed if man want to be

a nurse ? I do not want to be abused by doctors and other nurses.

What is the situation about man nurse in USA?

Thank you.

More men are needed in this field. Come on join the team. If we had more male nurses in the field, we'd make alot more money, probaly have pensions, etc. Men help balance things. Noboby wants to be around a bunch of yappy mouth women all the time. Some of us would prefer to work with all men. :p

Specializes in Medical-Surgical.

Male here. No problem being a nurse.

A nurse is a nurse


In my view, nurses are always women. But I also heard man also can

be a nurse. I wonder if it is true. Is that embarrassed if man want to be

a nurse ? I do not want to be abused by doctors and other nurses.

What is the situation about man nurse in USA?

Thank you.

I am in nursing school and I respect and enjoy working with the guys in my program. They are great, they get more respect sometimes just because they are men. I notice doctors seem to respect them more than females, but I live inTX and that is par for the course here. I enjoy working and studying with the guys because they add a new dimension to nursing and we need more guys! So come on you can do it!

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