I love my study group

Nursing Students General Students


My study group in nursing school consists of 3 people. We study so well together and we learn well from each other. Anyway, this week is registration for clinicals for Med Surg and Patho. Everyone wants to get a good professor at a good time. Our biggest concern was that we are in the same class at the same time so we can continue our studies together. It all worked out fine until one of us couldnt register at the time as the other two because the system locked her out. So the following day we all made a mad dash to the school to register(AGAIN) hopefully finding a clinical site that has 3 openings with a decent professor. So we register, and shortly after that got word from a senior (WE ARE JUNIORS) that the times we picked should be avoided because we r giving ourselves extra work. So we register (AGAIN) praying that we can find ANOTHER site with 3 slots...We found one....3 slots left...We logged in together...at the exact same time and got our class...and to top it off we got a great professor...I love my study group...we r getting thru this journey together....THE JOY OF NURSING SCHOOL.

I can't wait. I hope I can make those kinds of bonds. :yelclap:

Specializes in SNU/SNF/MedSurg, SPCU Ortho/Neuro/Spine.

I had friends that we did it all together!

it was awesome

Good for you. You have found the right friends/ group which doesn't happen very often. Some talk about clubs, others about boyfriends and what they are planning to do, others complain, and just 1 or 2 want to really study.

Specializes in Peds; Cardiac, NICU, PACU.

I am so glad you have that bond. I had the greatest study buddy through all my pre reqs but since he had a BA he went through a fast track BSN program and I am going traditional. I was bummed about it I just hope I find a great group of people who actually want to study.

Specializes in Tele RN on the West Coast.

That's awesome, congrats! I have been through several study groups that didn't click. I finally found that I do best with just 1 study partner. Might I add it makes it a whole lot easier when they are: reliable, not too chatty and study beforehand so they have input. Also, having a moderator keep you on track helps as well.

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