Published Nov 12, 2015
23 Posts
I'm not a fan of my maternity clinical. The babies don't make me all warm and fuzzy and if I have to assess one more pad for lochia......I have enjoyed all my clinical up until more month! Sorry for the rant
14,633 Posts
I didn't particularly enjoy my OB experience, either. Everybody has areas of nursing (and school) that they enjoy more or less, and the good news is that, once you've finished your rotation, you can ignore OB for the rest of your career. Best wishes!
Jensmom7, BSN, RN
1,907 Posts
Lol you sound like me 40 years ago.
My entire OB clinical group was in heaven, rhapsodizing over "the miracle of birth" and throwing each other out of the way to get the best vantage point to observe same. I was always in the back of the delivery room thinking "Is it time for break yet?"
If I had to palpate one more fundus I would have thrown up.
It will end. Learn what you need for tests, and thank Jebus that there are myriad opportunities for nurses, and some actually like L&D!
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
I echo the "EEWWWWW" contingent. The babies were way cool, but dealing with the moms & families & exes & boyfriends & nanas & pawpaws & , & , &. .. . no thanks. I didn't win any stars with my OB instructor when I sided with the mom who (strongly) opted out of 'rooming in' in favor of getting some sleep. Hey, it was her 8th kid - she was sooo over it.
LPNtoRNin2016OH, LPN
541 Posts
girl, your my kinda people. I don't like P's in nursing: pregnancy and pediatrics lol. Pediatrics tears me up everytime so I am of no medical use or help and I didn't want to attend my own three deliveries let alone go to other peoples. Thank goodness clinicals are temporary lol.
what is with the "rooming in shame"?!?! I have three kids and every time I was there, those babies went to the nusery! They are in fabulous, well skilled hands, they bring me the baby to feed, then I send baby right back so I can sleep. I mean really, as much as we pay for healthcare and delivery, being able to sleep for awhile is the least the hospital can do. I think it's strange your labeled bad mommy all the sudden because you want to recover from pushing an 8 pound screaming demon outta your very sore lady parts.
Nature_walker, ASN, BSN, RN
223 Posts
I'm in my OB rotation right now too. Not my favorite, but I remind myself that this too shall pass. And soon enough it will be done and I can go on with my nursing student life without going back to OB! :)
cracklingkraken, ASN, RN
1,855 Posts
I completed my OB rotation. I think I, and the male students, were the only ones who didn't enjoy it. I did enjoy being able to assess the newborns, however.
OnlinePersona, LPN
352 Posts
I almost failed mine cause I don't feel comfortable around children lol. I'm a geriatric type