I just took the NCLEX - PN, my thoughts.

Nursing Students NCLEX


I feel like burning most the LVN review books I bought as they did me no good what-so-ever on the NCLEX. The questions I got came out of left field. Stuff that wasn't taught in school like post mordum care for jewish men and questions about the Buhdist faith. I couldn't believe the questions I got. It felt like I guessed at half the questions. What a terrible feeling I have now. I have went threw the ENTIRE Saunders LNV review book and cd TWICE, that's 6,000 questions, as well as the kaplan review book, "lvn made easy", and the mosby cd. Total review questions and rationales done exceeded 8,000. Yet it didn't help me at all. Yes I read the rationales for ALL the questions/ answers. The NCSBN.ORG review was the only thing that helped me as the questions were similar to the NCLEX.

The VAST majority of question were priority questions. I had learned all the tricks to answer these in the Kaplan book. Only one big problem....the priority questions in kaplan are a complete joke (very easy) compared to the actual NCLEX ones which were brutal.

My computer shut off at 85 and I am positive I got the 85th question wrong because I looked it up when I got home. I hear if the computer stops at 85 and you miss the last question ...you most likely failed if you weren't doing so hot. I wanted to throw up when I left the testing center.

So hear I sit and have to wait 3 weeks to get result in CA. I will start checking the LVN board website next week, but I have a bad feeling my name won't be up there and I will have to take the NCLEX again.

Well I am getting ready for my NCLEX-PN in the next couple of weeks, I am a bit nervous! I am the top of my class but as I gothrough the NCLEX books I get more and more down. I do fine with the Saunders questions but not doing so well with some other NCLEX books. I recall alot of the disease names but dont remember everything associated with them. Drugs are also another bad area for me because there are so many I cant remember all of the side effects of them all and what to look for. Did anyone else feel as stupid as I do?

Specializes in LTC, Bariatric Clinic.
I so sorry to hear that you felt all the LPN NCLEX study guides where a waste of time and money. As I've mentioned on previous threads they changed the tests as of April 1st and for the next few months we will be the guine pigs. My biggest fears was that all the study guids will be useless because they are based on past test. However with all your studying I am sure you passed. Ive heard that if the computer shuts of at 85 even if you got the 85th question wrong it means you passed. If you were failing it would have gone up to 200+. Anyway, I tried to look up study questions on NCSBN.ORG but I couldn't find any, could you please direct me to where the questions are. Thanks.

Hello to all i just wanted to say since i seen that you had on here that with 85 that would mean you pass and with 200 means failing that is not always the case my class finished in Nov. 07 and alot of the students took theirs in dec - jan. and i had a few that failed with 85 and people pass with 200 i had all 200 and i passed i spoke with many people and they always reminded me not to worry about the number because you can pass or fail either way to many people assume and worry if they reach that 200 because they hear that means failing but not always true just thought i would add that in cause i know people look on here and when they see something like that they may worry but i was in the top of my class and when i had all 200 i just thought i did fail from what i had read but everyone just keep the faith you all can do it:) have a wonderful day

HEY you guyz, i take my NLN tomorrow we'll c were im at.............................

Help :yawn:

I took my NCLEX-PN test at the end of April. All this waiting making me crazy. Really it is killing me.

HP44... OMG i thought i was the only one! lol. i took my test at the end of april also, & since i've passed my 3 wks i've been stalking the mailman like crazy! i'm scared to check my mail, but at the same i'm so ansy to get my results. AUGH!

My results took 4 weeks and 4 days. The longest days of my life. Just hang in there and keep busy! Goodluck to all of you!

Hi all.

I just got my result recently and I passed. hehe..

I took exam 03-31-08

bon mail arrived 05-19-08

now that is a long wait... I called and bug them after 5 weeks.

Hi all.

I just got my result recently and I passed. hehe..

I took exam 03-31-08

bon mail arrived 05-19-08

now that is a long wait... I called and bug them after 5 weeks.

Wow pnoy. congrats how many questions did u get and what about??


I got 102 Q.... I just remember 101 was hard, then I forgot if 102 was hard... hehe...

Be Happy For God In Heaven Sees And Knows Your Heart Desires, He Will Wipe Your Tears,and Believe Me ....you Will Make It

after 3 1/2 wks of waiting, i got my test results & i passed!!! now i am an LVN!! i just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all their advice, kind words, study tips & for all the support!! =P


I just got my NCLEX-PN test result & I passed. I am extremely happy. Thanks everyone for your support, special thanks to mrsti905 for your comforting words.

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