I got the unofficial results from pearson vue and.........

Nursing Students NCLEX


I fail. I feel so bad and only those in my situation could know how I may feel. I want to start congratulating those who passed and wish them a very prosperous career. I also need help because I am starting preparing for my second time. I used Saunders 4 edition, exam cram, Kaplan blue book, and KAplan Qbank. I feel I need to go the other way this time. How good is the NCSBN Learning Course? Is it worth it? I need to study from sources that show me pictures and videos of a disease because I had some of those questions and I didn't feel prepared for them. Any other advice is well appreciated. Thank you for the support I know you will give me because you always do. I thank to those who helped me preparing for this first time and I thank God for give me the strength to continue the way. Good day to all of you. And good luck too.

Don't waste too much money on one resource after another. Most people are successful just using Saunders Comprehensive Review, with the LaCharity book on prioritization, and the Kaplan review for test strategy. Start from scratch and study as if you had never tested before.

Those that you have used are all good sources. Ncsbn learning ext can also help. And add la charity on your list, too. :) God bless you and you can do it! Just learn the concepts and rationales by heart, and from there, you'll never get lost!

And don't forget.. Loads of prayers!!!! Always put him first in everything you do and he will guide you. Do relaxation techniques before you take the exam! :) fight!!!! :)

Have a look at Davies 2010. I really think this book is good. It contains higher level questions as well at a good practice with SATAs and "place in order" type of question.

These are the resources I used: https://allnurses.com/nclex-discussion-forum/passed-nclex-rn-509276.html

I think buying another book or 2 to add to what you have should be sufficient. Don't spend a ton of money on another online courses.


i notice that u havent use the book by Lacharity you should add it to youre reference for youre review cause a lot of people who post here who passed the nclex used that book.. better check it out. just keep on believing that you can do it and have faith always to our God Almighty :)

Thank you guys. I'll take a look at LaCharty

concentrate on Saunders

You will pass! I promise!

I failed my first time in July 2010 with 265 questions. I was sad for a couple of days and then picked up the books again and picked Oct 15th for the re-take! Guess what, I passed with 75 questions! Unbelievable!

If I can do this, so can you! Many great nurses don't pass their first time. It is ok!

You will pass. Be confident.

i totally understand how you feel...i got my results today also and i failed :/.....this really sucks. I know everything happens for a reason so im trying to be positive about it. i'm going to start studying for my second attempt also...i heard kaplans is good so im going to try that out, maybe it will help you also. goodluck on your retake!!!

Thank you for all the support and I'm open for any other advice

thank you guys. Any information about the NCSBN Learning Course?

I know its hard because the first time i took the test i failed with 265 questions i was extremely sad but i gotta get back from studying it took me 7 months to take the test again i just told to myself i have to do this. And i passed in my second time it stop at 75 questions...I did used Kaplan i find it helful in strategies of answering questions with the combination of NCLEX 4000 but lastly pray to God (highly recommended) seek him first before anything else and he will provide!! God bless...

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