Published Mar 29, 2010
1,216 Posts
So I moved for a job 300 miles away from home...this was my first nursing job...I have no prior hospital experience,this was a big change for me but I was also quite excited (it took me nearly 6 months to find a job)...well the position I found was in a private teaching hospital on a telemetry floor...very nice unit,nice people I guess you can say a dream job...I was happy despite being far away from my hometown and my family,friends and a boyfriend..When I was first introduced my preceptor she appeared to be nice and pleasant but also had that look about her that told you "be aware of her she might smile but she looks tough" Well at first she was nice and enouraging,telling me when she first started working on this unit she felt overwhelmed and she didnt know a lots of meds I thought that she was humble and "cool".Then fast forward to a day when she asked me to give an IM injection in the arm (flu shoot) Ok so I graduated from a ADN program and we didnt get any experience in a flu clinics during our school so I asked her if she could demonstrate an IM injection on a patient just this one time for me (since I never had given an IM injection in the arm before) Mistake number one!! She got upset and was "shocked" that I never gave an IM injection in the arm...then she told me straight up to my face "that I must come from a lousy school" That day she went into manager office and told her that my school didnt prepare me well enough for the real world,strike number one....then she went ahead and told everyone on the floor that I dont know anything...oh and she also asked me "if I like it over here and if I ever though about transferring?" Mind you this was my second week on the floor!!! But despite being discouraged I kept going and showing up every day one hour earlier before my start time....It is worth to mention that my preceptor never discussed our patients with me,never asked my opinion,what was the plan for the day etc,during lunch never spoke about our patients,nothing....I often had a feeling that she "was bothered by questions and I was hesistant to ask questions and I often felt discourage to ask questions or even scared at that point! Well then came strike number two,patient had a low blood pressure and she asked me to take his bloood pressure manually,so I put on a cuff on the patient inflated the cuff but for the life of me I couldnt hear a anyway since the patient was unstable and she was in the room with me I told her if she could recheck for me since I couldnt hear anything....she did..Later I realized that my stethoscope somehow got turned off,but I guess it was too late cause she run to the manager office and told her that she doubts that I can handle unstable patient,so later that day my manager call me and her to the office for a meeting.....the manager voiced her concern to me with the preceptor backup,the manager told me that according my preceptor I'm not meeting my goals and she is giving me one week to improve (I should have known right there and then I was going to be terminated in the near future) I tried my best the following week,yes I did my share of mistakes (nothing major,nothing to do with a patient safety)...all of the sudden (that week) my preceptor started to take interest in me....asking me which patient I think I should go see first,what did I think the plan for the day was for each patient...asking me did I check my labs etc??? I swear to you she never bothered to ask me that before...I guess she got scared after the previous meeting with the manager...So like I was saying that week I made some mistakes but also I caugh a lot of things (like inflitrating IVs,patient pulling out IVs,pressure ulcers) my skills were getting better,I was gaining more and more confidence and started to feel that I can do it....still had some trouble with prioritizing but I think that is expected of a new grad,unfortunately not on this floor..well fastforward to yesterday (sunday)...very busy day,my preceptor was a charge nurse and one of the nurses overslept and she had to take care of her patients so she left me with 'our patients" well I handle my patients quite smoothly,finally felt like a real nurse and went home with a light heart and happy that things finally are coming together for...hah what a dillusionment of my monday my manager calls me home in the morning to come in to see her ( I was suppose work a night shift today with my preceptor)..I have a feeling that something is I go with a heavy heart...the human resource person is there,all of the sudden I know I'm getting the manager tells me that she doesnt think I'm a good fit for this floor,that she spoke with my preceptor friday and she still thinks I have trouble prioritizing...I'm crushed I'm trying to explain that I'm a new nurse and that comes with an experience and that there is always someone there to help...but my manager is set on her mind...she tells me that I should go into med surg first and then maybe after one year reapply if I want (is she ******* kiddding or what??)..I almost burst into tears,yep,signed the termination papers and left...yep so that is my story what do yo think?
615 Posts
I'm so sorry to hear that they fired you. I remember how excited you were about your new job. It seems like they didn't give you time to adjust to being a nurse. It takes a while to transition from nursing school to real world nursing. I still don't have a job but that is what I heard . I wish you the best of luck in finding a new job!
805 Posts
Sorry that this job did not work out for you. Did they offer to transfer you to the med/surg floor within the hospital? When you get a new job, think back on this so that you can get the orientation that you need.
If you were fired rather than resigned then I think you can get unemployment. Not that that is what you want to hear.
20 Posts
My heart goes out to you. I am not a student yet ( starting this August) but I believe there is a reason for the long orientation period you go through as a new grad. I remember my daughter wanting to quit every day for the first 3 months, because she felt so overwhelmed and inadequate and she is a very good nurse today. I wish you all the best and please don't let this setback discourgage you. Something better will be waiting for you around the corner!
887 Posts
If they didn't think you were a right fit for the floor and shoudl have been on another one first then why did they hire you in the first place? It's a shame to hear you got fired. Don't feel bad about speaking up on something you really didn't know how to do, it's better than trying to do it and doing it wrong and possibly hurting the patient.
3,445 Posts
I'm not going to say "I am sorry to hear" because I think it's such an empty statement that does nothing to make you feel better. The best thing I can do is empower you to feel that you're above this situation and that something better is awaiting you. I think you were in an unfortunate situation that did not work out and it's probably because another door is opening for you that will be a much better opportunity. You clearly busted your butt not doubt about that, I can tell that you have a passion for this field, don't ever give that up.
You might want to look into "nurse residency" programs as opposed to plain old jobs. These residency programs are quite right for the new nurse and have the support you need.
I have had similar experiences (closed doors & another one opens) and that is how my life has worked out to date. I hope this is how things work out for you. Chin up and move forward from this experience, they really did not deserve you!
Sorry that this job did not work out for you. Did they offer to transfer you to the med/surg floor within the hospital? When you get a new job, think back on this so that you can get the orientation that you need.If you were fired rather than resigned then I think you can get unemployment. Not that that is what you want to hear.
Yeah,they fired me and they said I'm eligible for unemployment.They never offered to transfer me to another floor.
PostOpPrincess, BSN, RN
2,211 Posts
So unfair. You were thrown to the wolves.
I have found that most who graduate nowadays do not have the experience we used to get when we were schooling and became grads in the 80's-90's and even earlier.
You should try to find a program that allows residency.
Something with Versant.
Good luck, and I hope you get back on your feet as soon as possible.
Thank you for such uplifting words,I sometimes think they never gave me an opportunity to grow..on the bright side I didnt have my license taken away from me or got fired over patient's safety.
If they didn't offer to transfer you, then you either had a lot of difficulities that you didn't say about or know/understand, or this is not about you. The hopsital might need to cut down the workforce. Nursing is always the biggest budget.
18 Posts
as my wife tells me, everything happens for a reason and just because that door closed there are others waiting to be opened. my take is do you really want to work for that kind of staff in the first place? i know it is hard on your ego to get fired but you may be better off in the long run. i too am a fairly new graduate nurse and am astounded by the amount of elitism in the nursing field. the term eat their young is alive and well and i am saddened by the managers that let this go on in their charge. there were several nurse ratchet types in the hospital where i took clinical at who told students that they were not to talk to them and informed the instructors to keep the students away from them. this is the only hospital for 50 miles so they kind of got you but my family members or i would never think of getting anything more than ed care there, so that we can be transported to another facility. my wife and my reasoning is that if they treat fellow nurses like that we can only imagine the patient care you receive. preceptors and mentors are one of the most valuable tools any company has. it is sad that being the case managers rarely screen them for people skills or their ability to teach. with cost cutting and downsizing more and more nursing programs do not have the time to cover many of the nursing skills that were common 10 or 20 years ago including four year programs and not just adn. bad that your preceptor's nursing skill set is that far behind and you got stuck with her/him. keep your chin up, there are better things in your future.
that is how I feel as manager KNEW I had no prior hospital experience,I made it so clear,despite the fact she decided to hire me.And I also agree with you that patient safety comes first and it is better to aks someone to explain the procedure than to make a serious mistake.Despite showing my excitment,and efforts to do my best,the manager and preceptor felt I was not a good fit for this floor.