I Got Accepted!!!


OMGosh I got accepted!!! Got the email yesterday while at work!! Im still in complete disbelief! Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place. But I had a few questions, what should I expect when I start? Work load, homework load? I work full time, do any of you work and go to school? Yayyyyyy!!!

Specializes in Emergency Department.
OMGosh I got accepted!!! Got the email yesterday while at work!! Im still in complete disbelief! Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place. But I had a few questions, what should I expect when I start? Work load, homework load? I work full time, do any of you work and go to school? Yayyyyyy!!!

Congratulations! The workload is going to be intense. The homework load is going to be also intense. It is entirely doable. There are some caveats to that, such as where you work, what kind of work you do, how likely is that you can do some studying at work. In my case, I got very lucky in that I was able to work full-time and go to school full time. The reason is that my work allows me to do some studying at work, which relieves a lot of stress and decreases the amount of studying that I have to do at home. Yes, I said that I work full-time. If you do not have a job that can accommodate your schooling, then I would suggest finding a way to dial back on the work hours so that you can do studying.

If I did not have to work while going to school, I would go to school and not work. It would make things a whole lot easier from a number of different perspectives. Unfortunately, I do not have that choice. I must work and go to school.

I would suggest that you use the time that you have between now and starting school to determine whether or not you can go to school and work at the same time, and if you must work, how much you must work. This is going to be the hardest, funnest, most interesting time of your life in all probability. Take advantage of every moment you can to learn as much as you can so that your life will be a whole lot easier down the road.

Specializes in Neuro Intensive Care.

Congrats!!! My best advice is to get your text books in order and start looking over the material. Obviously you can't do precise readings yet, but becoming oriented with the basics will be helpful. If you program has a book for drug calculations, start learning that NOW. I walked in on the first day and had a math test. As said previously, the work load is going to be intense, but its not impossible. Good luck!!

Specializes in Aesthetics, Med/Surg, Outpatient.

Congrads!! When do you start?

Congrats!! You must be sooo excited!

Thank you! I start in the fall

Thank you!! I have to work and thank goodness my job is very supportive of my education. Im a tech in Oncology and have some really great nurses that are always there to help. I know its going to be a lot of work but I can do this!!!

Congratulations & good luck!

Yippie!!! Congrats :)


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