I am freaking out! Please advise...


Okay, here's my dilemma. I am scheduled to start nursing school this fall at my university, and I am wondering whether it is a huge mistake. Lately, there has been a bunch of rumors going around regarding how low the pass rate (for NCLEX) is for our graduates. Apparently it's only been like 30%, so basically my program is on the verge of losing its accreditation unless it makes some serious improvements in the next few months. That leaves me wondering what I am supposed to do! :bluecry1: I am seriously a basket-case because obviously most nursing schools needed their applications in already for this coming fall. If I would have known the program was this horrible, I would have never applied here, but I figured I would just get my BSN at the college I started my original degree in.

So, here our my options. 1.) Stay in my current situation and pray that it gets better. Although I realize it may mean that my education is not the best quality. 2.) Transfer to another school in Arkansas (UAMS) but I wouldn't be able to start until Summer 2008 because they only have one new class per year and I am missing organic chemisty. 3.) Move up to Minnesota and go to nursing school up there (My dream is to work at Mayo Clinic). But once again, I would have to take a year off because there is no way I can meet the application deadline. or 4.) ?????

Honestly, I have nothing holding me back, so technically I could move anywhere in the country for nursing school, so that is not an issue. I just want the BEST education I can get, so I am just as qualified as everyone else. And as I mentioned above, I want to work at Mayo so badly, it seriously hurts! :p I could always move up there this summer and gain residency before fall 2008. I hate to take a year off, but if it means a better school, it might not be the worst thing in the world. I just hate it because I have been in college for 6 years and have nothing to show for it. I just switched to nursing last summer and I know that it's my true calling, so obviously I don't want anything to take away that dream.

This is all so frustrating because I had everything planned out perfectly and this just exploded in my face. Any insight or advice is greatly appreciated. I apologize for the length of this, but I am in desperate need for advice!

Lately, there has been a bunch of rumors going around regarding how low the pass rate (for NCLEX) is for our graduates. Apparently it's only been like 30%

1. Don't ever base decisions on rumors. Base 'em on facts. Get the Nclex pass rate from the school or someplace else. I bet there's some place that lists nursing school's Nclex rates.

Honestly, I have nothing holding me back, so technically I could move anywhere in the country for nursing school, so that is not an issue. I just want the BEST education I can get, so I am just as qualified as everyone else. And as I mentioned above, I want to work at Mayo so badly, it seriously hurts!

2. Sounds to me like a no-brainer.

The first thing I would do is to call the school and ask for documentation regarding their pass rate. Could be the rumor is true, but not all rumors are. If they have only 30% pass rate I wouldn't go to school there. I was a told a school should have 90% passing and 30-90 is just too much of a discrepancy.

If you want to work at Mayo then you should make that your goal regardless of where yo go to school.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Our BON lists the pass rates on its website so you might want to look there. I would also ask the BON about the rumors. I'm not sure if you are doing a BSN but if not finding a CC in another state might be pretty tough. In our state they are overflowing with applicants and most have strict county residence requirements. I'd probably stick with the program I got into unless you are certain you can get into another one within a decent time frame. Good luck, Jules

Specializes in Med/Surg <1; Epic Certified <1.

I'm 51 and in my second semester of an ADN program. I see you're "only" 23 (I'm not being disparaging -- just pointing out a fact). You have so many years ahead of you that you deserve the best education possible. Please do the research mentioned above at your state board of nursing website. If you find the pass rate where you have been accepted too low, then apply elsewhere, even if it involves a wait.

You can spend the time working and saving additional money; taking related classes such as med. terminology, other co-reqs, etc., or getting yourself relocated and ready for success in nursing school!

Best wishes!!

I would get the facts on the pass rate before I started making life changing decisions. It could be that the rumor is false *GASP* and you are getting yourself all worked up for nothing. Do your research and then decide, you do deserve the best education possible.

Thanks for the responses so far. I looked at our Board of Nursing site and saw that my school had a passing rate of 90.7% for 2005 and 69.0% for 2006. That's a little discouraging. The other school I was/am considering had a passing rate of 92.5% and 87.1% for the same time periods. If I actually do decide to transfer, I would have to take a year off to finish with one prereq. Does anyone think that that one year off would be a negative thing? I know one of the posts above mentioned using the time off towards my advantage. Any thoughts...

Specializes in SNF.

But its a lot better than 30%.....looks like it went down 30%,:uhoh21: not a total of 30%.

Good luck!

Specializes in Med/Surg <1; Epic Certified <1.

I had almost a whole year "off" before I started nursing school last semester. While there might be something said for maintaining the momentum, I don't feel it's affected me at all. I spent the time continuing to work and save money, and for those who believe in fate, my mom unexpectedly passed away in CA and I was able to spend 5 weeks out there with family handling affairs since I wasn't in school....I am probably not the highest passing student in my class, but when everyone was comparing finals scores last semester, I had a number of students at my 92% passing score.

If you're a good student, that won't go away with some time off. But there will always be options for other classes you can take or perhaps audit a class you feel you could use some review in before you actually start NS if you feel you need to stay fresh!

Good luck!

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

Our state board of nursing lists the pass rates for all schools licensed in Texas. Does yours?

Considering just the choices you mentioned, I say move to Minnesota and get a job in a hospital as tech or unit secretary or anything while you get your residency. BE VERY SURE about the time it takes or you could be a semester short or something. Good luck.

Re: i am freakin out! pls advise....

U know what? I am an RN here in the Philippines and also a USRN, i passed the NCLEX last June 28, '06. I took the exam in Saipan and i passed it. I believe ur school has nothing to do if you are going to pass it or not it will all depends on you. And mind you girl, i graduated last 1992! yes! u read it right! 1992! U just have to study hard, i mean very very hard. I am a single mom to a 10yr old boy at the same time working as an RN here in the philippines and at the same time reviewing.

By the way, i'm only waiting for my green card interview maybe a couple of months more and then i'l be flying to NJ to start my new career.

So dont worry to much of your school's passing rate.

God bless you.

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